America, Life, Parenting And Relationships

Deaf Ears

Deaf Ears

Many years ago I learned that Men who beat thei’r Women were spineless Cowards who wouldn’t pick a fight with another Man. The reason they wouldn’t pick a fight with a Man is because they fear getting thei’r Ass kicked. Several Months ago I proved that Theory. In the Hallway of the Courthouse where I work, a Man arguing with his Woman suddenly hoisted her over his Head. He was getting ready to Body Slam her to the hard Marble Floor. I moved within Three feet of him, not saying a word to him, only staring at him Intensely, he put her down and walked away. If he was big and Bad as he thought himself to be he would have asked me what are you looking at. He also would have told me to mind your own Business.

Years ago on a Construction Site I broke up a fight that could have ended up with Murder. The aggressor told me to mind my Business or I would be next. That didn’t stop me from getting down on the ground and separating them. Back then I was known as the Hammer. I carried a Hammer on my Hip not just for pounding Nails. Cowardly Jackals who attacked defenceless People are nothing short of being Terrorists. If you are a Man with a Gun and you go shooting at unarmed People whether Men or Women you are Chicken Shit. Pretty much like a Woman Beater,  you know that there won’t be any Bullets coming back, whizzing by your Head so you feel empowered and Brave. I have always been anti Guns since Fourteen years old.

One Day I beat a Bully into a Pulp with a Two by Four, only to find out that his Two older Brothers Seventeen and Eighteen were seasoned Gunmen who had killed before. One Saturday they crashed Rival Terroterries. Everyone in that Backyard was Armed. They all draw and fired at these Two Badass, Executing them. That’s how you deal with People carrying Guns that makes them feel Powerful, you meet Force with Force. I went to the Viewing of my intended Killers uninvited, opened the closed Caskets to see what their Bullets Dimpled faces looked Like. Fourteen years old and I decided that I would never own a Gun. This week a young Man who was entrenched in Hatered, killed Eight People in Georgia, a place South of Delaware where just about everyone believe in the Right to bear Arms. Even if you are a Complete Nut. I am not showing any Sympathy for Mental Illness in a Society that would Die before giving up their Rights to bear Arms.
Long was arrested in Crisp County, about 125 miles south of Atlanta, after his family helped police track his phone.( A 9 mm firearm that he purchased legally )on the day of the shootings was found in the car he was driving, said two senior law enforcement officials briefed about the matter.

So when One of your Children who can’t deal with the Pressures of Life and decide to take up a Vantage Point and start Dropping People like Ducks, save your Phony Sorrows. There are Politicians who are Elected strictly on a Platform of not Addressing Gun Laws. These same Politicians refuse to acknowledge that Mental Illnesses are out of Control. Mixed with all the Hate that’s been Preached and spread, sometimes by they themselves, we all need to run out and buy a Bulletproof Vest. Maybe it’s time to change my stance on Gun Ownership. If we all were Packing and someone carrying a Gun looses it, we all could pull and avoid Carnage.

Two years ago a Seventeen years old in South Florida gingerly walked the Hallways killing seventeen of his Fellow Classmates. If One Teacher was Armed lives would have been saved. But the same Bleading Hearts who say that Guns don’t belong in Schools Elects Mario Rubio who gets Donations from the N.R.A. The Law Enforcement Officer on Duty on the Campus heard the First Shot, yet he didn’t go into the Building to confront the Shooter. I can’t help wondering during his Twenty plus years as a Cop how many young Black Kids running away from him did he draw his Gun on. Many years ago in Connecticut a young Man who was a Recluse who stayed in his Room listening to Head Bangers Music, hoisting Read Flags.

Everyone owns an Assault Rifle

The Flags were not noticed by his Mother who took him to the Gun Range with her. I guess that on this Fateful Day he was having a Bad Day. Pretty much like the Spokesman for the Sheriff Deputy in Georgia said . He said Robert Aaron Long who killed Eight People was having a Bad day. That young Man in Connecticut woke up One Morning, shot and Killed his Mother who casted a Blind Eye on her Sons Red Flags. Then went to a Kindergarten and killed Twenty Seven People, mostly Babies Seven years Old. All those Innocent Babies Lives meant nothing to the hardcore Gun Rights Activists.

What will it take to Convince People that Stricter Gun Laws are needed to protect those of us who don’t Own One. Look what The Second Amendment to the United States did to the Capitol. There were enough Armed People in the Mob to start a War. Like Wu Tang said ” The Revolution will be Televised”, and so it came to pass. Peter Paul and Mary puts it Best, ” Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls have picked them, every one
Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?. No One is asking to take away your Toys, all I am asking is to Protect our Children who don’t pack Guns. I believe it’s Peter Gabriel who said, ” Another One bites the Dust, and another one gone and another one gone. Smile when you say that Stranger- John Wayne. Hard Issues needs to be addressed, you cant cast a Blind Eye and Deaf Ears, One Day they will come back and bite you on the Ass.

Life, Parenting And Relationships

Foxy Roxie

Jonbene’t Ramsey was killed in the year 1996. Whoever would want to snuff out this little Princesses Life is an absolute Monster. However there have been many of speculations about her being thrown into a womanly character at Six years old, and that she could have attracted the wrong kind of Admirer. Dressing a Child like a Vixen is just totally wrong. Anyway that is the Motivation for this Blog, being bred to be a Temptress. Women who encourage their little Girls to be overly Seductive as early as twelve years old. My Wife have always Maintained that men are Dogs. In One of my earlier Blogs I wrote One Titled Prudence, when  I worked at the Resort on St Pete Beach. One Day walking down the Road I noticed a Girl Twelve or Thirteen walking with her Mother, her Father and her younger Brother. What struck me about this Family was that the Girl was crying and her Hands covering her Naked Top. Even though we were only One Block from the Beach, its not a topless Beach.

What struck me about the Child was that she had Modesty. Same Place and Time I noticed two Fifteen years old in the Kiddie Pool just about doing it. I Observed their Techniques and know that they were Frisky Reguarly. Yet another Reason for this Blog, overly Seductive, overly Sexy and overly Amorous. Another thing I also think about is one of my Childhood Friends Becoming a Father at Seventeen, and a Fifteen years old Girl pulling a Train on five young Boys, me being Twelve years old, being introduced to Sex. And so they grow up wild and Loose. Two years ago in Tampa a Fifteen years old Girl was Raped and Killed, her Body dumped in the Woods Like Trash. Story told she was always a Runaway who spent the Weekends with Boys or Men. If you put yourself in the line of fire, you will catch stray Bullets, better yet stray Dogs.

So now we go back to priming young Girls to be Seductive. They grow up and takes it to the Workplace. Their Attire leaves nothing for the Imagination. Today in the Courthouse a Plus Size Woman bent over at the Counter to pay her Fines. Her Pantyline smiled at me. Yet if we were in a work Environment,  being a Married Man, If I leered at her Curvatures, I would be an O.D.B.( Old Dirty Bastard) If I was her Boss and I stared to long it would be Sexual Harassment. When she stood up straight her Boobs were popping out of the Excessively tight Dress. In my Mind , She has been Twerking since Twelve.

Put her in a Business Suit Two Sizes too small with a Skirt Eight inches above the Knee and the Natives become restless. I have been Married since working at Solomon Brothers 1980. I have had Managing Director’s Mistress throw themselves at me. Women who were set-up in a Five Thousand Dollars a Month Apartment. They were College Educated, but chose to use their Wares, instead of their Minds. Then there were the ones who used their Minds and got nowhere. They ran the Back office skillfully, while their Boss got The Credits and the Rewards. 1980 there were no Female Managing Directors on Wall St.The Only thing that kept me straight was having a Wife who I knew would throw me out on the Street, with no Shoes on my Feet, also being fired from Solomon.

Love is Grand

Workplace Romances were only tolerated with Managing Directors. Among the Ranks, you are Fired. Being Married for Forty One years, if you called me a Girlwatcher, I wouldn’t be Offended. That’s how you stay Married for Forty One years. You look but don’t touch you look but don’t Leer or Drool. You keep your Comments to yourself. You think about the Consequences of a Divorce for a Moment’s Pleasure. All this falls under the Heading of Intellectual Intelligence .

Having Empathy for other People’s feelings and being Jurisprudence with your Emotions and Behavior. Being able to hold your Tongue and Thoughts, whether mad or glad happy. Intellectual Intelligence separates us from the Stray Cats and Dogs in the Alley. I love Mario Cuomo, I remember his Sons growing up and getting into the News for their Indiscretions. Now they are all grown up. As my Mother always said ” You’ve made your Bed, now lay in it. After all that I have said coming up to this point, I hope some young Man comes away with what I am not saying. Like Phil said ” Shut your Mouth, keep your Hands on the Wheel”, while the Female Artist cooed ” I like a Man with slow Hands”. Even better yet ” Don’t hand me no lines and keep your Hands to yourself” Well there you have it I have said my Peace, as Subtlety as possible. You can’t have a Show with no Audience and you can’t go touching the Tomatoes without buying, Oui La La La.

America, Life

The Danger From Within


Everyone owns an Assault Rifle




The Danger within

Shying away from the hard Issues in Life isn’t something I Pattern my lifestyle after. Someone needs to shine a Light in the dark Attics of Life, of Society and wherever that light needs to shine. One Issue that is forever being swept under the Rug is Gun Control. This Week marks the Third Anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting, I felt the need to shine a Light. Nikolas Cruz was a troubled young Man who attended Parkland H.S. his Antagonistic behavior sent many unnoticed Red Flags. His Caretaker missed them, his School, his Friends and his Social Media Postings and Followers.

The Face of a clean cut American Kid




One Day while no longer attending that School, Cruz entered the Building with a Semi- Automatic Rifle. When the smoke cleared Seventeen young Lives were lost and Seventeen others injured. Ironic that on January Sixth at least a Hundred People showed up at the Capitol Brandishing the same Assault Rifles. In the Crowd was enough Firearms to start a small War. Politicians have forever Ducked the Issues of Gun Control while taking Money from the NRA. Sad and Gruesome the Occasion of them Running for their Lives from their Constituents with Big Caliber Guns. It was a wake-up call missed, the Day of Reckoning when the So- Called Law Abiding Citizens will bear Arms against a Democratic Government Looms.

Owning an Assault Rifle is the Fashion





I was only Thirteen years old when J.f.k was Assassinated, right then and there I decided that Americans were Dangerous People. All because of the Second Amendment. The Right of each Individual Citizens to bear Arms. I don’t care how well you investigate One’s Background, they say that Psychopaths are some of the most clever People. I am not talking about taking away their Constitutional Rights. All I am saying is that Restrictions should be tighter. There are too many John Wayne and Clint Eastwood Mentality stockpiling Guns. I live in Florida, One Day I was in a Pawn Shop looking for a Bargain Diamond Ring. I noticed that there were more Guns than any other Merchandise in the Store.





I ask the Associate what does it take to Buy One. He responded, a current Florida Drivers License. It was that easy, disregarding the fact that I could be some Nut grinding an Axe. Or Someone who Embraced Conspiracy Theories, someone who is Mentally un- Balanced. I could be Affiliated with an Extremist Organization and is allowed to collect High Caliber Assault Weapons. I could be someone who have never Mastered the Art of Civilized Discussions, as in Artful Disagreement ” Beg to Differ “. I could be someone who Talked with my Gun, as in ” Smile when you say that Stranger “. All the above makes America a Dangerous Place. Twenty years ago I worked with a Man named Mark Hershberger. At that time Mark was a young man in his late Twenties or early Thirties. One Day while working on a Construction Project, I came close to his Brand New Truck with a stack of Lumber. He told me that if I had hit his Truck, he would have given me Six from the Nine Millimeter he carried to work every Day. My God are we Living in Wyoming 1805 where we needed to be Strapped going to work. Well my Friend welcome to Americana, it’s a way of Life. Mark and I had a long Love Hate working relationship. He loved me for the work I did while hiding other dislikes. Mark was a State Wrestling 🏆 Champ and a big Kid who loved to show off his Wrestling Skills. One Day he tried to manhandle me, I punched him in the Nuts and put an end to the Exhibition.

From then on he developed Respect for me, to the point where he confined in me. He told me that he had over One Hundred Guns. He also Bragged about his Wife’s shooting Skills Hitting Bullseye and Deers at One Thousand yards. One Day on a Hunting Trip up in Canada his loving Wife shot and killed him. She used One of his 100+ Guns, One with a High Powered Scope. She shot him at Fifty Yards claiming it was an Accident, that she thought it was a Bear,  His Story made National Headlines, it was a Classic Case of Live by the Gun.

Mary Beth and Mark Harshbarger were married in 2001 and had a 4-year-old daughter and baby son. The family lived in Meshoppen, Pennsylvania.

On September 14, 2006, Mark, Mary, their children, and Mark’s brother Barry, were in Buchans Junction, Newfoundland and Labrador, in Canada, on a hunting trip.

While Mark and a local hunting guide, Lambert Greene, were walking through the woods hoping to flush out a bear, Mary sat in the back of a Chevy pickup truck on the nearby logging road. The children were in the truck and Barry was at a hunting blind elsewhere in the woods.

As Mark and Lambert walked back to the truck, Lambert stopped to urinate and Mark continued on walking through the tall grasses. Mary saw a dark shape emerging from the woods and thought it was a bear. She looked through the scope twice to make sure it was a black bear and fired her rifle.

Mary was wrong. It was not a bear, it was her husband.

My Friend Mark and Marybeth

I could go on and on about the Numerous cases of living by the Gun. 1977 I am visiting my Cousin in Texas, Elvis is shot Dead from his Abusive behavior. Colin Davis a Man who was worth more than 50 Mil an upstanding member of the Community. Came Home in the Afternoon, found his Estranged wife in Bed with a College Basketball Standout. Shot and killed him, accidentally shot and killed his Stepdaughter and injured his Wife. Talking about Gun Ownership, you just don’t know when the Nut is going to pop out. Three years ago in my Neck of the Woods Tampa U.S.A. A Retired Police Big shot, Shot and killed a young Father in a Movie Theater. The Shooter asked the young Father to stop Texting, the Cop was Infuriated, he shot and killed the young Man in front of his Infant Child, his Wife and Scores of horrified Moviegoers. One Day after the Capitol Display of Big Caliber Guns. On my way to work, in a minor Traffic dispute, the Driver pulled Parallel, his back Window rolled down and a Nineteen years old Passenger pointed an Uzi at me. I live in a good Neighborhood, Cops live here too. My Wife have always mentioned that there isn’t any good Neighborhood. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue North West wasn’t a good Neighborhood on January Sixth. My Readers know that I don’t like to stretch a Yarn, all I want to Know is, how long has this been going on, and when will it end.

America, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion

Bow To Greatness



Jesus the Beggar


Bow to Greatness

If there is anything in Life that I want the most, is to Die gracefully. Sitting up in my Bed comfortable and clean, free of pain grief and Guilt, with a Sifter of my Best Brandy in Hand. Knowing that I have lived this Life in a Fashion that Jesus would have no shame or misgivings about the way I have traveled my Journey. I am not the most Devout of Christians, I don’t go to Church every Sunday and I have deviated the Path many Times. However I have never lost my way or trampled on the Ten Commandments. If all the Biblical teachings are not all just Sculptured Words, meant to shape Consciousness and Behavior, then they do have Body and Weight. For instance, Sins of The Father, The Next Life and Losing my Soul.

Spirituality comes from God, Religion is Manmade and is Susceptible to Corruption and being self-serving. Jesus said that there are many who would profess his Name. Putting your Hand on the Bible and taking an Oath of pure Consciousness, yet your Heart is tarnished with Deceit, makes you a Hypocrite, whose Hand should burn from touching the Bible. At the early age of Fourteen I learned that Honor Nobility and Mortality were only Sculptured Words with no meaning. My Best Friend who came from a Religious Family who went to a Catholic School was totally Disillusioned with Religion and Society, at Twelve years old. He said Pope ( the name he called me) the World is a bad Place. He continued if these Walls could talk they would scream with shame.

He was referring to the Rectory Building that we sat behind, smoking Marijuana with strains so powerful, One hit and we were stoned. Twelve years old and Fourteen years old and we needed to calm our nerves with Cannabis. He told me Stories of young Boys being Emasculated in the Building we sat behind. I decried him and told him that he was playing with my Head. Thirty years later the same Stories he told made Headlines, brought Prosecutions, Lawsuits and Resignations of Clergymen high up in the Hierarchy. Do you still wonder why Two Kids with strong Religious upbringing would seek refuge in Cannabis to cope with Corruption in the Church, Corruption in Government and a Society that had let us down by Casting a Blind Eye.

Letting wrong doers know that they are protected by indifference, the lack of Benevolence and Jurisprudence is a Horrible message for your Children. In retrospect I am amazed that we didn’t commit Suicide from what we knew was going on, yet unable to help the victims. Suicide among Kids is an awful reflection on Society. If we told our Parents with their Tunnel Vision, they would have us laying on a Couch telling a Shrink that we didn’t Hate our Parents. They would have us Kneeling, begging for Repentance. Junior told me that the Victims were told, if you tell anyone, God would punish you. Fifty years Later I learned that The Boys Club of America is Equally Guilty.

Fifty Three years later of living in a Shameless Society that lets wrongdoers skate. I now realize that I am only responsible for my Soul and my Conscience. The Headbanger Heavy Metal Group screams ” Save yourself cause I can’t even save myself ” The Singer Songwriter puts it like this, ” I don’t care what you do, I wouldn’t want to be like you”. That is why all the Mendacity that is going on Today don’t phase me. The Phrase He’ll on Earth, that’s when your Conscience attack you like a Burning Hemorrhoid. When I sit-up in Bed waiting to draw my last Breath, there will be no Hemorrhoid of Conscience. Only the Joy of Knowing that I was here. I was a late pregnancy who dodged the Bullet of being Aborted.I see my Ethereal presence looking down, laughing at those who never figured out the Secret of living this Wonderful thing we call Life.

The Secret is living your Life in a Childlike Wonder in this Garden called Earth. When I am Sixty Miles out in the Gulf and I can’t see the Shores, now I realize how insignificant my Life is, only Equivalent to a Grain of Sand on the Distant Shores. Like R.E.M. said ” Life is bigger than you or I “, ” That’s me in the Corner”. I will never lose my Religion, though a Sinner,  my Heart is Pure. People makes the World go round and will always be who they are. I share with you my Original Life’s Quote ” if you have lived long enough to grow Old and there is nothing you have to Offer to the next Generation, in Teaching and Learning, you have not truly lived, only existed. Sometimes I think that the Only reason I write Blogs, is to Vent my Frustrations, which keeps me from Drinking up all my Good Brandy. Parting Words, we are Guilty by Thoughts, Deeds and Actions, or inaction.

Words borrowed from the Emperor Haile Selassie

Today, we look to the future calmly, confidently, and courageously. We look to the vision of America not merely free but united. In facing this new challenge, we can take comfort and encouragement from the lessons of the past. We know that there are differences among us. Americans enjoy different cultures, distinctive values, special attributes. But we also know that unity can be and has been attained among men of the most disparate origins, that differences of race, of religion, of culture, of tradition, are no insuperable obstacles to the coming together of peoples. History teaches us that unity is strength.

America, Life, Motivation

Die By The Gun




Die By the Gun

When I started writing Blogs, one of my Primary Objective was to tell young Juvenile Delinquents not to be like I was. If you have pent up Anger, lose it before it destroys you. One young Delinquent who visited my Website is Emanuel Donaldson the 3rd. He is awaiting Trial for four random Murders in my Area. I certainly hope he Shared the Link among the Population. My Wife calls me Repetitious, but if they are reading my Blogs in Prison, then Success is mine.

From eight years old to fourteen years old I was someone consumed with Repressed Anger, Hate and Violence. The reason for that was from being Abused three times in six years. Once by an older Cousin, once by a Church Brother and once by a Teacher. They all caused me tremendous Pain which almost made me Impervious to Pain. At twelve years old playing Soccer in the Schoolyard, an eighteen years old Biker Boy joined the Game. He had an Injured Foot and shouldn’t be in the Game playing with twelve years old Children. I accidentally stepped on his bad Foot, causing him great Pain. He retaliated by punching me in the Solar plexus with all his might sending me to the Ground sucking in Dirt trying to breathe. When I recovered I left the Game ran Home and returned with an eighteen inch Chef’s Knife.

He escaped Death by running into his House and slamming the Door. That was my fourth Abuse, I was bent on Revenge. I knew that he had to pass my House every Night to get Home. One Night I devised the perfect Murder, being skilled with Ropes and Knotts, I strung a Rope across the narrow Lane that was my Street. Like all Bikers he rode too fast, when his Neck found the Rope, it yanked him from the shiny Harley which crashed and Burned. The Clothes Line was tied to the Fence in a slip-Knot, I yanked on it releasing it, removing it and disappearing in the Night. He survived only to wear a Neck brace for nine Months. I was as Devious as they come, I would walk up to him and like a Hippocrate  asked him how he was doing, with great concern.

Today I work in a Justice System where a twelve years old Boy is awaiting Trial for Stabbing his Grandmother to Death. If I was on the Jury, I would concentrate on Extenuating Circumstances, what brought him to the Edge of Madness. Backing up to being fourteen with Repressed Anger, a sixteen years Thug was beating me senseless in the back of the Schoolyard. He was a Skilled Street Fighter who only used his Elbows, Knees and Head-But his Victims. I was just about to beg for Mercy when I found a Large Stick and unleashed six years of Repressed Anger on him. I Mannered that Boy up, he Whimpered and limped out of the Schoolyard. Feeling good about my Victory changed, when I learned that his two older Brothers eighteen and nineteen, were Gang Members with multiple Murders under thei’r Belts.

Revenge for beating thei’r Kid Brother Senseless was Inevitable. These Boys were Fearless, they thought their names were Frank and Jesse. One weekend there was a Gang Bangers Boogie in a close by Neighborhood. The two Brazen Gunmen Infiltrated The  Rival Turf. They were met by a Firing Squad, the Bullets in thei’r Bodies couldn’t all be counted. A couple of Days later thei’r Caskets were placed on thei’r front Lawn for those who cared to pay their Respect. Brazen me decided to show my Disrespect by showing up and opened the closed Caskets. Looking at thei’r unrecognizable Dimpled Faces, cured my Violent Nature for the rest of my Life. Never again did I wanted to be a Badass, never again did I wanted to own a Gun.

The Lesson I learned at Fourteen was that if you lived by the Gun, the Outcomes are Inevitable. Still fourteen years old, one Day I had a front Row Seat to witness how a true Professional Discharges his Duties. One of my next Door Neighbors had developed Mental Illnesses. Nassiboo had attacked his Father with a Machete leaving him at Death’s Door. He Terrorized the Neighborhood including me, sneaking up on me With the same Machete. When the Detective came to bring him in, it was a Celebration for me. The Officer stood on the two foot Brick Wall and Announced himself to Nassiboo and told him that he was there to Arrest him. The poor Demented Man charged the Officer with the same Machete he tried to Behead his Father with.

There were five other Officers there, the Lead Detective was the only one who fired his Weapon, one Merciful shot to the Groin. The Ambulance took forever to come, Nassiboo didn’t make it. Which brings us to the Motivation for this Blog. Fifty three years later and Law Enforcement haven’t been able to train their Officers to be as Proficient as this one Detective. Several years ago in the  Bronx, several Officers approached a Mentally Disturbed Black Man with a Knife in the Hallway of a Building. They all discharged thei’r Weapons like a Firing Squad, killing someone who should have been Tased. Those Occurrences happens Everyday in this Country. Marybeth Harshbarger shot and killed her Husband at fifty Yards, claiming it was an Accident. Mark once Bragged to me that she has hit Bullseye at one Thousand Yards.

Accident or Murder? You be the Judge. My Question is why don’t the Law Enforcement Agencies in this Country train their Officers to be as good as Marybeth. The Officers who Killed Breonna Taylor were at least Inept and Negligent. Once the first shot was fired the Situation should have become a Stand-off, they didn’t know if there were young Children in that Apartment. For that reason I believe that they should stand Trial for Negligent Homicide. Casting a Blind Eye and a Deaf Ear is Complicity. To you out there Protesting, the Pen is Mightier than the Gun, don’t Burn the Country Down, this is where I live. With all its Faults, America is still a Great Place to Live. Stand in the Place where you Live. Your Votes are more Powerful than all the Bullets in a Gatling Gun. God I Love this Writing Business, telling young People how not to live their Lives. It’s a darn shame I couldn’t see what my English Literature Teacher saw. Instead I chose to Party away my Learning years smoking the finest Strains grown around the World, listening to  Grateful Dead, The Who and Pink Floyd talking about being Comfortable Numb ” You can take the Words right from my Mouth”.

P.S. Baby Boy is all Grown Up, that’s how come a Juvenile Delinquent like me can end up working in a Justice System, instead of being in the System. My Message to you Wannabes is that no Good Deed goes unpunished.