Ambition, America, Autobiography, Bio, Black History, Christmas, Dr King, Empathy, featured, Helpful Conversations, Inclusion, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion, Self help, You can face life

Book Description:

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Book overview

“In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption” is an extraordinary tale that delves deep into the realms of human emotions, exploring the eternal struggle between love and hate. Set in a world consumed by hatred and darkness, this poignant story follows the transformative journey of one man as he navigates through the tumultuous landscapes of prejudice and discrimination, ultimately discovering the redemptive power of love. In this gripping narrative, the author skillfully weaves a tapestry of raw emotions, unveiling the destructive consequences of hatred and the transformative potential of love. The book illuminates the profound need for love, understanding, empathy, and inclusion through vivid and evocative storytelling in our fractured society. At its core, “In the Shadows of Hate ” is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, encouraging readers to see life through the eyes of others. It challenges the reader to suspend judgment, look beyond appearances and stereotypes, and embrace diverse experiences’ complexity and richness. The story is a poignant reminder that understanding and compassion can only be achieved by walking a mile in another person’s shoes. With each chapter, the author draws readers deeper into the protagonist’s world, painting a vivid portrait of his internal struggles as he confronts the relentless hate that threatens to engulf him. As the story unfolds, readers witness the power of love as it gradually erodes the barriers of prejudice and bigotry, illuminating a path toward healing and reconciliation. Through compelling characters and gripping plot twists, the author exposes the devastating impact of hate on individuals and communities, leaving no room for complacency or indifference. In the face of adversity, the protagonist’s journey becomes a beacon of hope, demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for love to conquer even the darkest corners of our world. “In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption” is a profound and profoundly moving exploration of the human capacity for both good and evil. It challenges readers to examine their beliefs and biases, encouraging introspection and fostering greater empathy and understanding. This book offers a compelling testament by spotlighting the universal need for love and its transformative power.”
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Product Details
Available on Amazon

Through Her Eyes: Revised
In the shadows of hate a journey of love and Redemption

Ambition, America, Autobiography, Bio, Black History, Dr King, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Inclusion, Life, Motivation, Religion


Inscasable: The Urge for Going Back for Seconds and Thirds

Have you ever experienced that irresistible urge to go back for seconds and thirds? It’s a sure sign that something is exceptionally good. Interestingly, I never considered applying the term “inscasable” to a book until I read Cannery Row. Now, I’m confronted with my own book, Through Her Eyes Revised, and realizing just how inscasable it is.

After employing four different AI software programs to edit the book, I’ve read it over twenty times. Today, I downloaded the Kindle version, and to my surprise, I still found it just as interesting. This experience has made me reflect on my journey as a blogger and writer.

When I started blogging, I made a promise to myself: each blog post would be better than the last. Over the past eleven years, I’ve written more than five hundred blog posts, and this book is the culmination of all that work. It’s a product of continuous improvement, dedication, and a passion for storytelling.

Through Her Eyes Revised isn’t just a book; it’s a testament to the power of persistence and the joy of revisiting something you love, time and time again. Whether it’s a beloved meal or a cherished book, some things are simply inscasable. The Book is available everywhere my favorite place is Amazon.

P.S. just published my first Children’s book: “Children with big Ears and Potty Mouth”. Also on Amazon

Book overview

Book Description:

In “Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth,” young readers are taken on a journey filled with laughter, lessons, and unforgettable characters. This engaging and thought-provoking tale explores the importance of making wise decisions early in life, emphasizing how these choices shape who we become.

Through a series of entertaining and relatable stories, children will discover that their words and actions have a significant impact on their future. As they follow the adventures of the protagonists, they will learn about the power of kindness, the value of respect, and the joy of growing up to be the best version of themselves.

Perfect for parents, teachers, and young readers, “Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth” is a must-read for anyone who believes in the potential of every child to choose their path wisely and grow up with integrity and character.

America, Autobiography, Bio, Black History, Dr King, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, featured, Helpful Conversations, Inclusion, Life, Motivation, Self help

Through Her Eyes:Revised

Through Her Eyes: Revised: In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption

Link to Amazon

Genre; Fiction, Bio , Autobiography, Memoir, Culture , Spirituality, Self-help, Religion, Black History
SEO. fiction, Facebook, love, emotional intelligence, Religion , You, Self-help, Black History, Dr King
Author: Anthony Dixon
About the Author
In the timeless words of Henry Brooks Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Embracing this profound wisdom, I believe that a life well-lived is one marked by the continuous exchange of knowledge and wisdom. As the author, I echo the sentiment that if you’ve journeyed through life without imparting something meaningful to the next generation, be it through teaching or learning, you’ve merely existed, not truly lived. Through my writings, I aspire to contribute to the tapestry of wisdom, leaving an imprint that resonates beyond the confines of time. I have written over five hundred Blogs, many dealing with Parenting, Relationships and Safe Driving with the hope that someone will benefit from them. Facebook inspired me to start writing, my first Blog sixty words long was posted on Facebook. From that day on I knew that Social media was a tool to share Knowledge. In the process of writing this Book, I have learned that you can face life, no matter what it throws at you. It’s all about resiliency of the human spirit.

Book Description
“Shakes, Rattle, and Roll: A Powerful Tale of Transformation”
It shakes Society, the Government, the School System, the Church, and you, the Parents. It rattles the Consciousness of Haters, and it rolls towards Unity and the Love for Jesus.
In this riveting narrative, the seismic force of change shakes the Foundations of Society and challenges the status quo of the Government. Disrupting the traditional contours of the school system, questioning the beliefs of those who do wrong yet go to Church, and prompts a reflective pause for parents. This is not merely a story; it’s an earthquake of ideas that resonate across societal pillars.

As the narrative unfolds, it deliberately rattles the consciousness of haters, confronting prejudice, bias, and hate head-on. Through Poignant storytelling and compelling characters, it invites readers to confront their biases and prejudices, fostering a collective introspection that transcends the pages.
But this tale is not just about upheaval. It rolls forward with an unwavering momentum towards unity—a unity that transcends divisions and embraces diversity. The seismic tremors serve as a catalyst for a harmonious symphony, echoing the universal theme of love and, remarkably, the passion for Jesus.
Step into a world where perspectives are reconsidered, and realities are redefined. “Through Her Eyes: Revised” invites readers to witness a transformative journey where the protagonist navigates the labyrinth of life, offering fresh insights and revelations. This revision transcends the ordinary, presenting a nuanced and enriched version that captivates the imagination.
“In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption”
Embark on a profound exploration of the human experience as “In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption” unveils the resilience of the human spirit. This poignant journey through the depths of hatred is, at its core, a celebration of love’s enduring power. Redemption takes center stage, proving that even in the darkest corners, love has the strength to illuminate and transform. This is a tale of overcoming adversity and finding light in the shadows, a testament to the indomitable force of love and the unwavering pursuit of redemption.

Life, Motivation

Re-Post #1

After writing over five hundred Blogs and two Books, with four other Books in the works. I decided to use the experience and rewrite all my older Blogs. The following is one of my first hundred Blogs;

Human Danger

Human Danger: A Tale of Trust and Betrayal

On a gray autumn day, a heron with feathers of platinum gray chose me as a friend. In the wild, humans aren’t trusted; to us, they become pets. This heron allowed me to photograph it, almost close enough to touch. After I had scared it with my camera lens, it decided to perch on the hedge fifteen feet away. There, it stayed the entire time I wrote this blog, making eye contact with me like a chicken hawk or an intrigued eagle.

Not mad, not aggressive, only intent on letting me know that we’re all here on this planet together. Though he can’t trust me to perch on my shoulder without fear, he did allow me to come closer. I pushed my lenses into video mode and fed him bread, which he didn’t need. He walked away from me, only to return, this time within ten feet, where he stayed until I left. Is this love that I am feeling? After a while, he ate the bread because he was comfortable that I would not do anything to hurt him. You hear stories about people making pets out of wild animals, such as tigers, and you wonder how they could trust them. Well, my friend, the shoe is on their foot trusting us.

We are the only species that kill for fun and for no other reason than uncontrolled rage and hate. So why should they ever trust us? Look at the fine cats we wear on our backs, the fine ivory that sits on our shelves. We are forever swimming against the tide of natural balance. That’s why when a different species befriends me, I shudder with chills, knowing that they use their exceptional senses to feel me out and know that they are safe around me, not judging me to be like all the others. I have a long history of being befriended by all of God’s creatures, like the time sitting on the river banks and being surrounded by hundreds of cardinals who have been known to be aggressive, yet not one attacked.

Another time, while traveling in northern Pennsylvania, driving a company truck to deliver building supplies to a job site in Erie, a Canadian gross hawk dive-bombing its prey from high up in the sky misjudged the moving truck, slammed into its side, bounced off, and landed in the woods. I immediately pulled over and ran to its rescue. My coworker, out of curiosity, ran over to the injured bird. When we caught up to it, we were both sharing a sight of wonderment. The hawk had a six-foot wingspan and talons bigger than my big hands. My coworker quickly backed off from helping the wounded bird, saying, “This thing will kill us both for fun.” As I said before, only humans kill for fun.

I ran to the truck for water and ice. I have always known how to administer first aid since I was nine years old. I stuck my hand out to inspire goodwill, and he waived his huge talon at my hand. I realized that if I was going to help, I first had to get him to trust me. I gave him water and food, knowing he would enjoy raw chicken. A bond was now formed; we were now friends. Administering first aid was easy. I made a bed in the back of the truck and placed this huge bird of prey there, not worrying that it could cut my throat with one swipe of its talons. I took this majestic and fearsome bird to the job site, opened the truck’s gate, and everyone ran. I felt like my name was Tarzan when I extended my hand, and this bird, who had never before come in contact with a human, came to me. He knew that I could be trusted. When it came time to set this majestic creature free, my coworker wanted to keep it as a pet. I told him, “That’s the way humans are. That is why they don’t trust us. If they can’t domesticate it, they kill it.” The hawk was set free after I reminded my coworker that having possession of an endangered species carried a five thousand dollar fine and five years in prison.