Life, Motivation

It doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter

When I worked in Construction we had a saying about dealing with the hard work. ” It’s all mind over Matter, If you’ve got no mind, it don’t matter. That my friend is the Motivation for this Blog, having a mind of your own and not following the mass. When I was fourteen years old, while doing the Laundry Mother found a big Bag of Marijuana in my pocket. Being the most Diplomatic person, she said nothing of her find for Days. Then one day she asked me how do I want to live my life. ” Do you want to be a Shepherd or a Sheep?” She continued, I found your Weed and I flushed it down the toilet. Is this what you want to do? I snapped, everybody smoke Weed, which was true in the sixties. Knowing that I was in the wrong, I kept quiet and listened to the rest of the chastising. She continued, ” If everyone jumped off the George Washington Bridge, are you going to jump also. That was my first Lesson about Individuality. Being your own Man. Mother was a hard working single Mom. She was a progressive Blue Collar worker, she worked in a Professional Kitchen before many women, when the Industry was Male dominated. Seventy years before Julia Child and Pioneer Woman.

Years earlier we were Dirt Poor, because of her Health she could not maintain a job. There was a time when my Brother and I had two sets of Clothing, one on our backs, the other in the wash. That’s how she kept us looking pristine in Parochial School. Everyone thought we came from a well to do Family. If there was a hole in our Khaki pants, she would patch the hole and they would become clothes to play in. Back in the day, Clarence Carter had a song called Patches, the Song was about growing up Dirt Poor. As a result of being so Damned poor in earlier years. Three months from my fifteenth Birthday, I got my first job, packing Groceries for Associated Supermarket. From there on I was never out of work, Poverty scares me. I worked all through High School and brought Money home to support the Household. Everyone in the School thought that I was a Drug Dealer because of the way I Dressed. Since H.S. Fashion has been a big part of my Persona.

Sometimes I think that the years of not having Clothes is the reason. The only Books other than Textbooks I read was G.Q. and anything dealing with Fashion and Social Grooming. I was so fashionable inclined, my Graduation Gift to the Class was a Fashion Show that Orchestrated. I staged it and Modeled some Clothes that I Designed and fabricated. My gift with a Needle and Thread came from my mother and my Cousin who she helped in training her to be a great Seamstress and Designer who made Clothes for Jackie O. and other famous people.

The Fashion Show was a Smash, we invited Smokie Robinson and he showed up and performed on our Stage. That Shindig was the biggest party that I ever threw in my entire life. Many of the people in the Show went on to study at the Fashion Institute Technology, So I ask you? Is there anyone else who is more capable of being Critical of Today’s Fashion? Wearing your Pants showing your Ass-Crack, Holes in your Jeans and Leggings showing all your goodies is Lame. Some Dumb-ass Fashion Designer who Went to The Fashion Institute who have never been Poor decides to make fun of Poverty with tattered Jeans and the world of Sheep makes him Rich. Wearing Clothes with Holes in them, is making fun of Poverty. Wearing your Pants below your Ass crack is a Fashion that was Started in Prisons by Cellblock Whores, advertising their availability. Leggings is supposed to be an understatement. Once again, it’s all Mind over Matter, If you’ve got no Mind, it don’t matter. Be a Shepherd, not a Sheep. I can not end this Blog without addressing another disgusting trend, putting your kids in the same Shopping Cart where I put my Food is nasty. Sanitary practices are more important than lame Fashion trends. I have not posted in a long time, I have been busy with restructuring my Book and relocating to South Carolina. Those who follow my Blogs knows that I like to speak my mind and keep it short and sweet, Fin.

We are not looking for Tuna that taste good, we are looking for Fashion with good taste.

Ambition, America, Christmas, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion

A Labor of Love

Spitting out Words 45000 at a time is a Labor of Love, Wanting to tell a Story so bad, you force yourself to become a better Writer, Constant Promotion yields Results. I Am quite sure that you remember me telling you about writing a Blog in One Sentence?


Ambition, America, Life, Motivation

Through Her Eyes by Anthony Dixon | Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

THE American Dreaming. a Book about Hate / not a Book of Hate. Dreaming that One Day I don’t have to be Apprehensive of my color. Link to the Ebook Through Her Eyes By Anthony Dixon Through Her Eyes by Anthony Dixon | Paperback.
Wanting to be a better writer has been a penchant of mine since I wrote my first essay. I am not sure but I believe that it was in my fourth grade. The essay was filled with incomplete sentences, for instance, he me money, I wrote of my uncle giving me money. I omitted Gave. The kids called me, he me money for a long time. In High School I elected to take English literature, my friends called me lame, for wanting to discuss Shakespeare and Dickens for an entire period. They say that there are no chance meetings and that everything happens for a reason. Studying the old masters, I learned that extensively verbalizing and painting panoramic pictures, causes young readers to lose interest quickly. I picked up war and peace at fourteen years old and never finished reading the book. So when I started to Write my Objective was to tell my Story with as few words as possible. I have been blogging for seven years, I toy with my readers, telling them that my goal is to write a blog with one sentence and a book on one page. This book has been in the works in my mind for fifty three years. Since my first day in High School P.S. My High School was 85% White in 1968 during the heights of Racial unrest in America. It was a Nightmare, Fifty Three years later I am still living in the Daymares. This is not a Book of Hate, it’s a Book about Hate. The Movie The Bronx Tale happened near my High School. Read Full Overview
Life, Safe Driving

Safe Driving / My Occupation

Safe Driving USA / In Stereo




Safe Driving USA is a Dream of mine, where Everyone Drove like I do, never looking for an Accident or creating one, or making Life the Roll of a Die. When Traveling in Tight Quarters always be in a Pocket, not a Cluster, Staggering Traffic is something the Twenty First Century have not caught on to, I always Stagger the Traffic Formation by spacing Myself properly, instead of acting like I’m playing a Video Game, wound Tight. Show your fellow Drivers that you are Diligent and Skilled to the point of saving Lives, especially when traveling at high speeds. Remember that Roads were made to be Driven and Cars to be Handled safely and Responsibily. I buy myself Quality time when I get behind the wheel by being Diligently Skillful Faithfully. In turn I never have to worry about what you’re going do, whenever I am Driving I am always in defense Mode, better yet Jedi, because there are too many Wreckles Drivers on our Roadways. For Example, a Man and his wife Breaks down under a dark Underpass with a Blind Bend. She remains seated, he gets out and stand behind the Vehicle waving off one near miss after another. He was not far enough away from the Stalled Vehicle to avoid Calamity.


When I turn my Ignition my Wi-Fi is always live so my Music is only Dormant when the car is turned off. Music is an absolute must, considering that my Surround Sound is presented by Bose. I plan to keek this Car till it becomes an antique. In four Months this Car will be five Years old, I plan to start Rebuilding all Moveable Parts, and Suspension, preferably with my own two Hands. My Motivation is, several years ago I stood  six inches from a Car with four Hundred Thousand Miles on the Odometer and didn’t know that the Motor was running. With proper Maintenance they all can run like that. In twenty years this Car should not have a  Rattle, nothing to distract the Sounds coming from the Stereo System. Safe Driving is my Platform, so no matter whatever else I Write about I always come back to square one. Because I love Driving  and listening to Great Sounds.


listening to Music when I Drive keeps me Focused and not have to worry about you sending my Stereo System to the Repair Shop or the Junkyard. The Stereo system is so Pristine I believe that the rest of the Car was built around it. When I started Driving I went to the Junkyard every weekend to keep the Heaps I drove running. Now my Car ask me to Say a Command or whether I want to receive this text. I tell it to play my favorite Stations, Like Emerald say “Bam” and I’m in the Studio. This is what Driving is supposed to be, it’s an escape for me. It shouldn’t be a harrowing experience of dare devil performances. A lot of us gets behind the wheel and we get all Hyped up and we want to Drag Race.



One of my Neighbors killed himself and his two young Sons, his Wife has permanent Scars
The Driver of this Maserati killed himself and his two young Sons, his Wife severely injured.



People think that Drag Racing is always traveling at a high rate of speed, not so, traveling at forty five MPH for two miles not allowing the other car to pass you is Slow Drag. If I am in the lead and someone catches up to me while maxing the speed limit, I immediately back off, not backing off, I am now Drag Racing. The Car Manufacturers have got you in a Hype thinking that Driving is Zoom Zoom all the time, have you ever seen a Commercial that they don’t brag how nimble their car is. When I get behind the Wheel for my one Hour Commute I minimize the anxiety and Stress by Driving the way an Airline Pilot fly his Plane, between Takeoff and landing, no near misses. That gives me the opportunity to enjoy my Bose System for that one Hour of Madness we call the Commute.



I know that I am being Repetitious by telling you how bad the Drivers are in my Hometown of Tampa. There is not a Week that goes by without  Fatalities. The reason for that is very few People Drive as I do, not racing their Engines to find an Accident or creating one. I am not a Slow Poke, driving from Pennsylvania to Florida I usually arrive two or three Hours ahead of schedule. Make no mistake there is a time and place for running your Engine, the Commute is not the Place or time, it’s a time to Exercise Skills and patience and being Levelheaded. The way I look at it is, if I get into a Fender Bender or get a Ticket on my way to work ,in both cases I am losing time. If I get a Ticket I am working the Day for free and accumulating Points towards losing my License, My Mobility is Priceless.



In that case why would I go out there each and every Day on these congested Roadways driving like a Race Car Driver. Have you ever heard the saying ” every day the Bucket goes to the Well one day the bottom will fall out”. Driving like a Maniac every time you get behind the Wheel one day you will crash, the severity depends on your speed. I have been Driving for over fifty years and its like my Driving Instructor never let the passenger seat, his Words hauntingly reminds me. When you are Behind the Wheel ” leave your Idiosyncrasies and childish behavior behind” the Roadways are not the Place. Why would I not be the most Chilled Driver out there and hope my fellow Drivers catches on that we are not in a Race to the Death.




But instead we should appreciate the Technology immersed in these Death Traps. I am always Leary about Front End Crashes, knowing that short Circuits are my onboard Computer’s worst Enemy, that one Day it won’t prompt me to say a Command and my Surround Sound become disabled. Most Auto Enthusiasts are Enthusiastic about looks and Performance, me I am a Technocrat and Music Buff. Last Words if the Car you are Driving is ten years old, you are either a Collector or can’t afford a New one. If you destroy it you have to take the Bus, worse of all lose your Job. As the Song goes ” Eh Eh Eh I’m on Vacation every single Day cause I Love my Occupation”. For me Driving ten Hours a Week, five hundred miles per week with a Car that I am trying to keep Factory Fresh for the next twenty years is an Occupation and a Labor of 💘.

P.S.  For you Appreciate this Blog the Video is a Must watch, remember what the Author isn’t saying about this Video


I will always be there


You are young and in school, you meet  mr right, your heart tells you so. Things get hot and heavy,  bam you are pregnant, you marry him all is well and good, it’s the logical thing to do.  Baby is thriving well, it’s time to go go back to school. One Day you tell him of your intentions of going back to School. His male dominance surfaces, I would prefer if you stayed home he utters. I will always be here to provide for the family. Magnanimous gesture for sure, nonetheless finishing your education is as tangible as an insurance policy. Matter of fact more so if his testicles leads him from you. I have been married for thirty seven years, never once unfaithful, had many opportunities though I stayed the course. Whenever one of my friends got busted in their extra curricular activities, all I hear from her is, Men are Dogs.

I say to myself, not necessarily so they just think with their Testicles. A childhood friend of mine with a beautiful loving wife, taught that he  was too much for one woman. He had a woman in just about every State, he was away from Home more than a Traveling Salesman. The grief he caused this Woman, also a friend of mine made me despised him, her mother cared for me like a son. I had no choice  but to distance myself from him. I hope you are following my drift. Not all men is led by their Joystick. I stayed true to my wife and have no regrets for not being a Dog. There are so many contingencies why he may not be there for the long haul other than being unfaithful, it is of the utmost for you to be able to provide for yourself if the day comes. Not only that but two Incomes takes the Stress out of paying the Bills and living largely . Also the Days of the Wife staying Home and making Babies is long gone. Another friend of mine had a good marriage and a nice family, his wife however was an overbearing woman who taught her job was to mold him into the perfect Husband, always correcting and criticizing. One day he packed an overnight bag, telling her that he was working on a project that had to get done. No one have ever seen him again, nothing in this life is guaranteed.


Early in my Marriage I once told my wife that she was driving me crazy. Her response, it’s a wife’s job, to some Men that’s reason to run. No one knows what the future holds for us, that’s why you need to cushion yourself for whatever life throws at you. Janice was  sixteen years old when she hooked up with an older Man with plenty of money, by twenty she had three children for him. He told her there was no need to finish her education and no need to further her ambition of becoming a nurse, because he made enough money and would always be there. Ten years later he was convicted of murder never to walk the streets again. She was now twenty six with three children to feed, no education and no skills entering the workforce for the first time. All that I am saying is, don’t get caught up in the Honey Trap when everything is so sweet and cushy that you are unable to be objective and pragmatic about the rest of your Life. Don’t forget that Momma may have, Pops may have, Husband may have, Boyfriend may have but God bless the Girl that’s got her own. I once knew a Man who was married for twenty five years, he told me that he had fifty thousand dollars that his wife knew nothing about. I asked him why, he responded that it was his runaway Money if the day comes.



Anyone can wake up with their Running Shoes on a Sunday morning. Like No Doubt puts it, you came up with the Breeze ( running out on a Relationship) without a warning. Life is filled with uncertainties especially in Relationships, don’t put all your Eggs in one Basket, sleep with one Eye open. You might not get a restful Night’s sleep but there will be no surprises. Many Men are intimidated by a Professional Women or an independent one. The Old Days were Brutal, when I was fourteen I lived next door to a Man who didn’t allow his Wife to spend Money. She was a Seamstress with good Skills, every Penny she made was handed over to him, whatever the Household needed he did all the spending. This Scenario parallels a Woman doing the same Job as a Man and getting paid less for doing a better Job, As you can see History repeating itself. I was only fourteen but I knew that there was something Deathly wrong with this situation, it was like a Scenario extracted from Oliver Twist, mean and Dominating. Worse of all he had four Daughters who were getting a bad Education of what a Relationship should be. One of the Daughters married the Man who had a Woman in every State, how Paradoxical Life can be. Life is like reaching in a Grab Bag, you never know what you are going to get, and that is your reason for being self supporting.