Ambition, America, Christmas, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion

A Labor of Love

Spitting out Words 45000 at a time is a Labor of Love, Wanting to tell a Story so bad, you force yourself to become a better Writer, Constant Promotion yields Results. I Am quite sure that you remember me telling you about writing a Blog in One Sentence?


Ambition, America, Life, Motivation

Through Her Eyes by Anthony Dixon | Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

THE American Dreaming. a Book about Hate / not a Book of Hate. Dreaming that One Day I don’t have to be Apprehensive of my color. Link to the Ebook Through Her Eyes By Anthony Dixon Through Her Eyes by Anthony Dixon | Paperback.
Wanting to be a better writer has been a penchant of mine since I wrote my first essay. I am not sure but I believe that it was in my fourth grade. The essay was filled with incomplete sentences, for instance, he me money, I wrote of my uncle giving me money. I omitted Gave. The kids called me, he me money for a long time. In High School I elected to take English literature, my friends called me lame, for wanting to discuss Shakespeare and Dickens for an entire period. They say that there are no chance meetings and that everything happens for a reason. Studying the old masters, I learned that extensively verbalizing and painting panoramic pictures, causes young readers to lose interest quickly. I picked up war and peace at fourteen years old and never finished reading the book. So when I started to Write my Objective was to tell my Story with as few words as possible. I have been blogging for seven years, I toy with my readers, telling them that my goal is to write a blog with one sentence and a book on one page. This book has been in the works in my mind for fifty three years. Since my first day in High School P.S. My High School was 85% White in 1968 during the heights of Racial unrest in America. It was a Nightmare, Fifty Three years later I am still living in the Daymares. This is not a Book of Hate, it’s a Book about Hate. The Movie The Bronx Tale happened near my High School. Read Full Overview
Ambition, Life, Motivation

Ambition Rules


As far as I’m concerned Ambition should be a greater force than the Survival Instinct. Survival without excelling is of little Human value. I have been in the Workforce since Fifteen working for a major Supermarket Chain as a Stock clerk. As a result of my Age I had to get a Work Permit that prohibited me working beyond Six P.M. I worked all through High School and have always brought Money Home to support my upkeep. I Dressed better than just about everyone in the School, Teachers including. I had Money to buy the Best Weed and Bought my first Car at Seventeen, also securing my own Insurance. All the Kids in School knew that I always had Good Weed including the Dean. On my Book Bag Read the Phrase ” See me roll me smoke me” the Dean threatened to expel me if I didn’t remove the Logo from my Book Bag. Anyway that’s enough of the Background History.

The point is that I have always held my Own. At Eighteen I had my own Apartment and working Full-time for U.S. Plywood. What motivated this Blog is. Last Night walking across the Parking lot to my Car, I almost got run over by a young Woman in her Twenties. She was Riding a Hobo Cycle, a Bicycle with a Trailer that contains thei’r Worldly Possessions. Today I am sitting in the Cafeteria on the First floor looking at the same Woman unfolding a Canvas Chair on the Sidewalk. It appears that she camped out on the Grounds of the Courthouse within the last Twenty Four Hours. An Act that can get you Arrested for Trespassing. I asked myself what in the world that could put a young Person in the Predicament that she was in. Then the Answer came to me, The lack of Ambition. If I was in a Precarious situation that would render me Homeless, I would work for Minimum Hourly Wage to afford the cost of renting a Room in a Fleabag Motel. Even if it consumed all my Salary. I would use my Hobo Cycle to collect Cans, Bottles and any Metal to take to the Recycling center. Any Money I made from my Extracurricular activities would pay for my Food, while saving to get a Studio Appointment.

My own Design

The rest would be saved to get a Car. Once I got my Car, I would work for Uber while Building my Credit. After a while I would buy a Hud Home and borrow from Hud the Money needed to Repair it. During the Remodeling I would create two sections, One for my Living and the other to rent out. After a while I would Refinance the House and buy another. I would continue the process till I could buy the Fleabag Motel and make it liveable for all the other Homeless people I met while living on the Streets. And that my friend is the Difference between having Ambition and the lack of it. I sympathize with someone with a Drug or Alcohol problem that allows themselves to slip through the cracks of life. But for someone who appears to have all their Faculties, yet having no Ambition, that is unconscionable. My Wife have always Rag on me that I think that I know everything and that I am the only one who knows how to do anything. I Hate to admit it but I try to be, why? I have Macgyer Mentality. Give me a Handful of Mud and a couple of Straws and I will build a Mansion. Over the Years I have Taught myself to fix Cars, Washing Machines, Dryers, Computers Roofs and anything associated with a House, Boilers and all Electrical including.

Then I took on the Project of Self Educating Myself, then moved on to Teaching myself to Write. Last week I completed my first Book, Two Hundred and Fifty Pages. The reason for the Shortness is because I Fantasize about writing a Blog with One Sentence and a Book on One Page. The Motivation is credited to Steven Spielberg, he said that once you have made your Point, everything else is Bullshit. Getting back to the Homeless Woman, if I were in her Predicament my Ambition would force me to sell everything I Owned, including my Pride. Xaviera Hollander became Rich selling her Pride. Mary Magdalene has been Depicted by Western Christian doctrine, Renaissance Art and Modern Media as a Prostitute, yet Jesus had a Place in his Heart for Her. That tells me that Anyone can be Forgiven. I know that my Writing jumps Fences, but that is my Style without sounding like a Wanderer. Anyway, Ambition Rules!

Health, Life

Dont be Stupid

Don’t be Stupid
Whenever I sit in a Dentist’s Chair I am Traumatized from bad Experiences that I had earlier in Life. When I was Eleven years old a Dentist with very little Experience, broke a Tooth during Extraction. With very little Novocaine he proceeded to dig it out. At Seventeen I sat in a Dentist’s Chair Two P.M. in the Afternoon. The smell of Gin was staggering, Pundits meant. Drunk as a Skunk he gave me Six shots of Novocaine and about Twelve blast of Gas. Too Drunk to realize that the Tooth was Abscessed and if I was Totally Sedated, I would still feel the Pain. I slapped his Hand away, jumped out of the Chair and ran to the Emergency Room. They gave me Antibiotics and sent me Home to return when the Abscess subsidies. They also told me that with the amount of Sedation, I could have Died, or ran over by a Car on my way to the E.R.

Even with my Great Fears, I know that you can avoid sitting in that Chair for so long, without putting your Health at Risk. So there you have it, the Motivation for this Blog. Putting your Health and others at Risk. Today marks the Anniversary of me wearing a Mask in the Courthouse for One solid year, with no Deviation. Longer than One Month before the C.D.C. recommend wearing One. People would get on the Elevator looking at me like I was an absolute Idiot. Since March Fourteen the Building has been Inundated with numerous cases, Fogged and Sanitized regularly. Many of my Coworkers contracted the Virus and brought it Home. Many of thei’r loved ones will never be the same, some have Died. With pre-existing conditions, I was bent on not getting the Virus. The only Room in the Courthouse that I took my Mask off, was Disinfected every time, prior to me removing my Mask. C.O.P.D. and early Emphysema, I kept my Mask on for Eight Hours per Day, never removing it as long as I was in the Building. Today I got my Second Vaccine. It is Four A.M I have been up since Twelve. Being a Creature of habits, I can only sleep on my left side. The Arm hurt so much, it’s like I fought Mike and he only punched my left Arm. However I am so happy that I am fully Vaccinated and that if I got the Virus, it won’t put me in the Hospital and it won’t kill me. Parting Words, it is not a Hoax and not wearing a Mask and getting Vaccinated is Stupid.

The following is a Shared Article from N.B.C.

Long-haul Covid patients can experience ‘waves of symptoms,’ early research suggests

Kelly Marcilliat realized something was terribly wrong with his thinking on a drive last summer.

He’d pulled up to a four-way stop — a situation Marcilliat, 55, of Denver, had been in thousands of times before. This time, however, he couldn’t figure out when it was his turn to go.

“I sat there looking at the intersection,” Marcilliat said, “wondering, ‘What the hell do I do?'”

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

The cognitive problems popped up months after he first became ill with Covid-19, blindsiding him.

“When I was at my sickest from the virus, initially, I didn’t feel dopey-headed. I just felt exhausted,” he said.

Kelly Marcilliat, pictured backpacking in Arizona in 2019, said there is no way he could physically make the trip now.

Courtesy Kelly Marcilliat

Marcilliat isn’t alone: New research suggests that long-term symptoms of Covid-19 may emerge in a distinct pattern over weeks and months.

Natalie Lambert, an associate research professor at Indiana University School of Medicine, surveyed thousands of “long-hauler” Covid-19 patients, finding that specific symptoms tend to emerge at regular intervals — usually a week or 10 days — resulting in what she calls “waves of symptoms.”

More research is needed to confirm the results, which have not been published in a medical journal or posted to a preprint server. But the early findings, which were shared with NBC News, could give clinicians insights into treating long-haulers more effectively and perhaps even preventing debilitating symptoms.Dr. Richard Walker, chairman of emergency medicine for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, said Lambert’s work was “very important research.”

“Any time we can predict the course of the disease, it offers us the ability to mitigate problems,” said Walker, who was not involved in the research.

Lambert surveyed 5,163 long-haulers. Patients were contacted online through the website Survivor Corps, a site dedicated to long-haulers. Seventy-seven percent of respondents had either tested positive for Covid-19 or had been diagnosed by physicians based on their symptoms and exposure.

In the survey, Lambert asked patients what symptoms they had and approximately how long after their illnesses they had begun.

Overall, patients reported more than 100 symptoms. Not all are necessarily connected to Covid-19 — it will take time for researchers to sort that out.

But long-haulers do tend to be careful note takers. “They are normally tracking their symptoms week by week so that they can report it to the doctor to try to get help,” Lambert said.


When Lambert analyzed symptom onset specifically, distinct patterns emerged.

“The first wave is clearly the more flu-like symptoms,” such as fatigue, headache, fever and chills, she said. “Then it seems like diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are five days later, typically.”

The new waves don’t mean the previous symptoms disappear; those symptoms can linger, or they may fade and re-emerge later.

Ten days into illness, another wave crashes. This time, the new symptoms tend to be more neurologic, including confusion, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. Patients may also develop joint pain and low back pain. Some report pressure in the brain that is so intense that it feels like their heads might explode.


Fifteen days into illness, yet another wave of new symptoms: high or low blood pressure, heart palpitations, a tendency to faint.

A week later — about 21 days in — patients start experiencing issues like mouth sores, muscle twitching, eye infections and a skin condition that has been referred to as “Covid toes.”

Covid-19 symptoms are variable, but overall, the first few waves of symptoms — flu-like illness, gastrointestinal issues and neurologic symptoms — tend to mirror what a typical non-long-hauler patient would experience, said Dr. Rebecca Keith, an associate professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver. Keith is a co-director of the facility’s post-Covid-19 clinic.

That is, there is no way to tell early on whether a patient might become a long-hauler. In fact, there are still no standard criteria to define or diagnose long-haulers. Symptoms may come and go, or they may last for months.

“Once they start having symptoms past, like, six to eight weeks, people start getting real worried,” said Keith, who was not involved with Lambert’s research.

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Dr. Michele Longo, an assistant professor of neurology at Tulane University in New Orleans who works with long-haulers, said the neurologic symptoms listed in Lambert’s survey are, indeed, “most commonly reported by patients” in her clinic.Why there seems to be a predilection for neurologic symptoms in the post-acute sequelae of Covid infection remains to be understood,” said Longo, who was not involved with the research. (“Sequelae” is a Latin word that refers to conditions that occur following a disease.)

Keith agreed. “If we can define the pathways that are contributing to this from a scientific standpoint,” she said, “we can think about how to talk therapies and hope.”

Patients, too, are desperate for answers.

“It’s extremely unsettling to not be able to tell yourself why something is happening to you,” Marcilliat said. “It gives you a feeling of complete lack of control, like you’re a leaf in the wind.”

“No one wants to be like that,” he said.

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America, Life, Motivation

The Hate Virus


The Hate Virus

I consider myself Impervious to the Hate Virus, my Mother Vaccinated me by embedding in my Head that no One was Better than I. More Privileged, better Educated and more Fortunate. But as long as they had to go to the Bathroom as I did, no better. She also instilled in me the greatest work Ethics. She said , you may never Be accepted, but they will always Respect you for the job you do. She said that I should always go the extra mile, I should always work harder and better than everyone else. The reason for that she said was Job Security. She Continued when everyone else is laid off, you will be working.She was dead to right. Once working in Construction for a Contractor in Pennsylvania, I overhead a group of my White Coworkers lamenting about the work situation of who is working and who isn’t. I heard One spoke out loudly ” I can’t believe that I am losing my job to a Nigger. God that sound and felt good. They all had the feeling of Entitlement because they were White. The Boss Appreciated the work I gave him to the Point that he sold me his Father’s Collectible Antique Caddy for a couple of weeks pay. That killed my Coworkers and made them hate me even more. So you see being Black have never Hindered me from Striving even better than many of my White Neighbors. I once lived in an all White Gated Community, my Wife and myself were the only Blacks that ever lived in that Community Thirty five years old. Never once did any of them made me feel out of Place. But guess what I consider myself an Oddity, many Others don’t know how to stick it to them ” Be all that you can be” be so Resilient that Failure becomes Success.

This is something I have wanted to talk about for Fifty years, long before I learned to express myself in Print. America is a Country Founded by the Immigrants of the Mayflower. Once they came they never stopped coming. They came from every Corner of the World. They brought with them Money from the Old Country and they Invested it in America. They were able to buy Land, they brought their Crafts , Skills and Ingenuity. America grew and flourished from downtrodden Immigrants seeking Freedom and Opportunities. The following are Excerpts from Wikipedia

The Mayflower Story

The Mayflower set sail on 16th September 1620 from Plymouth, UK, to voyage to America. But its history and story start long before that.

Its passengers were in search of a new life – some seeking religious freedom, others a fresh start in a different land. They would go on to be known as the Pilgrims and influence the future of the United States of America in ways they could never have imagined.

This story isn’t just about the Mayflower’s passengers though. It’s about the people who already lived in America and the enormous effect the arrival of these colonists would have on Native Americans and the land they had called home for centuries.

More than 30 million people can trace their ancestry to the 102 passengers and approximately 30 crew aboard the Mayflower when it landed in Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, in the harsh winter of 1620.

On board were men, women and children from different walks of life across England and the city of Leiden in Holland.

A significant number were known as Separatists, a group of people who mostly wanted to live a life free from the current Church of England.

Others were on the ship for a multitude of reasons – some anticipated the chance to build a better future for their families and the opportunity of new land, while for others the offer of freedom and adventure was too good to turn down.

Then there were the crew themselves, plus the servants and (unaccompanied children) sent by their families to be looked after by the adults. Related indent. ( Today we have unaccompanied Children at our Southern Borders, the good Christians say keep them out). Continued.

The passengers are often grouped into ‘Saints’ or ‘Strangers’ by historians, alluding to their motivations for the journey. But it’s likely that many ‘Saints’ were (skilled tradesmen) and many ‘Strangers’ had their own religious reasons for leaving 17th century England.

Today the Descendants of the Mayflower represents everything their Ancestors absconded England for. They Embrace none of the Driving Force that placed their Ancestors on that Ship. A chance to build a better future should be Included in the Phrase Home of the Free Land of the Brave. Their ancestors left England to be free of Oppression and Prejudices, Britton Ology is a Phrase I use to describe the Ideology of Supremacy and being Overtly Oppressive. Everywhere they went they brought it with them.

They brought it to the Americas and to Africa and the World during the Colonization period. Under the Cloak of Deception The British empire is often seen as a force for good, as one that put an end to slavery and the slave trade, liberated foreign peoples from the tyranny of their rulers, replaced despotism with the rule of law and introduced millions to literacy, western medicine, commerce and Christianity. Yet it was Britain that ensured that South Africa and Zimbabwe entered the 20th century as countries rigidly stratified and segregated along racial lines in which white minorities held political power at the expense of a disenfranchised African majority. Here the rule of law meant rule by white settlers in the interests of white settlers.

Owning an Assault Rifle is the Fashion

Violent from the start

In the first instance, the British empire grew out of military conquest, a bloody business by its very nature. In southern Africa, as elsewhere, it was accompanied by substantial violence, frequent starvation, much misery, an untold number of deaths, and the mutilation of African bodies by British soldiers for the purpose of taking souvenirs. Indent. -They did that to Native Americans also, must be in their Genetic makeup.

Time after time – from the onset of British rule at the end of the 18th century through to the 20th century when political power was formally handed to white settlers – British armies and British arms came down on the side of white settlers. Colonial conquest involved the burning down of homesteads, humiliating and incarcerating African chiefs, dismembering once-powerful kingdoms, all the while making Africans bear the cost of colonial rule through an elaborate system of taxation.

Though the Zulu kingdom scored a decisive victory against Britain at the Battle of Isandhlwana in 1879, the “peace” of subsequent years witnessed the breaking up of the kingdom into several chiefdoms and the forced exile of the Zulu monarch. The kingdom’s material independence was eroded while its members were absorbed into the colonial economy as cheap labourers. They did the same thing in America to the Native Americans and to the People of Africa that they brought here Forcibly. Many White People believe that Black People don’t Know History and are Stupid. What’s worse are the Black People who give that thinking credibility by being Stupid. For instance, Tim Scott the only Black Republican Senator, going on America’s biggest Misinformation Network and defending White Supremacy. Harriet Taubman spoke of him, ” I freed a Thousand Slaves, I could have freed a Thousand more, if only they knew they were Slaves”. Today Meghan Markle’s Dad says that the British People aren’t Racist, only California and the rest of America. There you have it, the Trend of Misinformation and Denials is the Norm. He said that his Daughter has Abandoned him, if he was my Dad I wouldn’t even go to his Funeral. Once again I have done my Research, something the rest of seemingly Intelligent People refuses to do. They choose to Embrace Conspiracies Theories and Cancel Culture. They also Idolize a Man whose Father went to K.K.K. Rallies and sees him as the Great White Hope, who is going to make America Great as Great Britton. That tells me that Racism is as American as 🍎 Pie and as wide as The Proverbial Pond. Curly once told Moe that he could not be Fooled. Moe asked him , how so? Curly replied, because I am a Moron. And there you have it, the Motivation for this Blog. Someone always trying to Fool Someone else.