America, Life, Motivation


Remember me telling you that I would one day write a blog with one Sentence, and write a Book on one page?
This is a one page Book describing my upcoming Book “Through Her Eyes /revised”

Title: “Embracing Love: A Journey Through a Decade of Blogging”


In a world often marked by division and hate, the enduring power of love becomes even more vital. After a decade of dedicated blogging on topics ranging from safe driving and parenting to nurturing relationships, I find myself reflecting on the importance of love in healing the wounds of a divided society. As I delve into the depths of my experiences, I come to a profound realization – who better to speak of love’s significance than someone who has not only observed it but has lived through it? This book is a journey through the intertwined threads of love, unity, and understanding, in the backdrop of the stark issues of racism and division that persist in our society.

Chapter 1: “Love in a Fractured World”

In the opening chapter, I set the stage for the exploration of love’s transformative power amidst a world plagued by division and hatred. Drawing parallels between my journey of blogging and the societal context, I examine the undeniable link between racism and division, emphasizing how they have become synonymous in today’s landscape. The chapter also sheds light on the poignant symbolism of the Rebel Flag waving in the Capitol, illustrating the stark message it sends about the urgent need for unity.

The Government was Breached on January sixth
January sixth

Chapter 2: “The Timeless Wisdom of The Beatles”

Turning our gaze to the past, the second chapter delves into the timeless wisdom of the iconic band, The Beatles. Seventy years ago, they proclaimed a simple yet profound truth – “All you need is Love.” I explore the enduring relevance of these words, delving into how love can be the catalyst for healing, understanding, and bridging the divides that plague us. This chapter is a tribute to the enduring wisdom of those who recognized love as the ultimate solution even in tumultuous times.

Chapter 3: “Safe Driving, Parenting, and Love”

In this chapter, I draw upon my decade-long journey as a blogger, focusing on the themes of safe driving, parenting, and their intrinsic connection to love. Through real-life anecdotes and practical advice, I showcase how love plays a pivotal role in promoting responsible behavior on the road and nurturing healthy relationships within families. It’s an exploration of love as a guiding force in our everyday lives.

Chapter 4: “Love’s Transformative Power”

The penultimate chapter delves deeper into the transformative power of love. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences and the stories of individuals who have defied the odds, I illustrate how love has the capacity to mend divisions and bridge gaps. This chapter serves as a beacon of hope in a world often shrouded in darkness, emphasizing the potential for love to be a catalyst for positive change.

Conclusion: “Embracing Love for a Brighter Tomorrow”

In the concluding chapter, I reflect on the journey through a decade of blogging and the profound impact it has had on my perspective on love. I reiterate the vital message that love is not just an abstract concept but a tangible force capable of transcending the most entrenched divisions and prejudices. It is a call to action, an invitation to embrace love as the key to a brighter and more united future.

In “Embracing Love: A Journey Through a Decade of Blogging,” I hope to inspire readers to recognize the immense potential of love in healing our fractured world and fostering a society where divisions are replaced by unity, understanding, and empathy.

Ambition, Life

Book #4

These Eyes

These Eyes of mine have seen so much that it’s a wonder that I am not Blind.Its like looking directly into an Eclipse, I am talking about the glaring light of the harshness of life and the Evil that Mankind preoccupies themselves with. I look back on Sixty Eight years of living this Bitch called Life and I realize that there are no chance Occurrences in this life. We will start with the words of a Man who was accused of Molesting his Granddaughter. He said Mr D, that’s me, Everything is written in the Book of Destiny. He continued, when your time is up you Go, no matter how young or Old. Can you imagine someone that wise to quote something like that, yet not Decent and smart enough to keep his hands off a child. He also recounted to me an Eighteenth Century story of a man who was Beheaded for saying” God Damn and blast the King. He was beheaded before the last word came out. What the Victim was trying to say was ” God Damn and blast the King’s Enemies’ ‘. The Lessons from that is to always hear someone out before you Judge and Act. Such as the time I worked for one of the world’s largest and most prestigious Hotels and Hospitality Organization. I had to Audition for the Job as Cook, by making Lunch for The G.M. The Executive Chef, the Sous Chef and the Beverage Manager. That Job came to an abrupt end, when the G.M. accused me of the Sous Chef’s error. She wanted to hear nothing I had to say in my Defense. She called me a Liar, I told her that if she was a Man, I would put my Foot up her Ass. I guess that she had never heard of Innocence until proven guilty. One of the first lessons that I learned about keeping your hands to yourself, happened when I was Ten years old. It was Late afternoon with Evening approaching, I drifted from the watchful eye of Mother. This was a regular penchant of mine, it has gotten me in so much trouble and landed me in the wrong places at the wrong time, more times than I can remember. This particular Afternoon was prime example of being in the wrong place. I drifted a Hundred and Fifty yards from her watchful eye. On the Corner a Fight was developing, I made it to the Corner before Round One and the only Round of the fight began. This Tough Guy who had Pugilistic Skills nailed his unsuspecting Victim with one Punch, knocking him to the ground. A little stunned and equally Dazed, he got up and advised his Attacker not to go anywhere, because he would be right back. The overconfident Idiot did just that, instead of leaving the scene. Totally recovered from the Embarrassment, the looser of Round One, asked him to do that again. The Overconfident Pugilist swung the same exact punch. The returning looser pulled a Machete from under his Shirt and removed the Arm that had just knocked him silly with the Swing of a Ninja. Blood spurted like a broken Hose. I was Mortified, I ran the Hundred and Fifty yards Dash back home in Twelve Seconds. I bristled past everyone and into my room, not saying a word of what I just witnessed. If the Cops had come to my house, I would have told them I was a Hundred yards in the opposite direction. That Man was lousy with his Fists, but frightfully skilled with a Machete. The Lessons Learned from that Afternoon repeated itself Three times in years that was to have been lived, all instances ended in Deaths. That’s all that you are going to get. This is a First Draft of Book #4 they say that once you are Smitten by the Writing Bug you can’t out down the Pen

America, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships

The Book / Through Her Eyes

Way back in 1910 People who had Children with Special needs would hide their Children away. Never to be seen in public, when they had visitors, the Children would be locked away in the Attic or Basement. Ignorance and Indifference was the norm. In 1972 my Twelve years old Buddy and I would sit in the back of the School near the Rectory. While the Sun faded in the Skyline, we would sit there smoking the Finest Marijuana grown around the World. He would tell me Stories about his Classmates being Emasculated in the Rectory. I would tell him that he was making up Stories. He would say Pope, the Name he called me, I Swear it’s true. Forty years later his Stories made Headlines. Back then you say something like that about the Church and your Parents would tell you to get down on your Knees and beg the Lord for Forgiveness. Back then speaking about Homosexuality was a Taboo. So was having an open Discussion about Racism. Our Parents would say, that’s just the way things are, leave it alone, end of Discussion. Fifty Three years later and the Mindset remains the same. In Fifty Three years of being in the Workforce, there has not been One Day that I never experienced some form of Racism. Yet my Friends, White and Black, look at me Queerly when I tell them what my Book is about. In other words like our Parents said Fifty Three years ago, leave it alone. What is up with People leaving an Important Discussion alone. Way back then people didn’t have that Sex Talk with their Children.

People went to Woodstock and slept in a different Tent with a different Partner for One Week. Look at the Outcome, Aids. At Fifteen years old my Mother had that Sex Talk with me. She said when you are feeling your Oats thinking that you are a Man, don’t forget to keep your Drawers up. She continued, you don’t have a Job or an Education. How are you going to take care of a Child? Furthermore, I am not going to raise your kids. She was not your average Mother. As far as Racism was concerned, she said, no One is better than you, more Privileged, better Educated and more Money, but no better. She continued, they may never accept you but they will always Respect you for the job you do. It was her Inspiration that kept my Head above the Muddy Waters of Racism growing up in the Seventies. And Today in appreciation for her Wisdom, I wrote my first Book, giving a Tribute to her. What else would I have Titled my Book? Through Her Eyes is due in the Barnes and Noble online Bookstore in October. I refuse to lock my Feelings away in the Attic and Basement of Indifference. If you don’t have needed Discussions, one day they will Explode in your Head and your Face.

For instance not Teaching your Kids Sensitivity. Many years ago in Greenwich Village in N.Y.C. a young Gay Man was beaten to a Pulp with Baseball Bats by Five Kids from Good Families. The Man Died of his Injuries, not knowing the reasons for his Attack. Through Her Eyes is the Recounting of Fifty Three years of Insensitivity. If we don’t have that Discussion now, Fifty Three years from now Innocent People will still be meeting their Death with Baseball Bats. Look where we’ve been and see where we are going. Through Her Eyes isn’t looking through Colored Glass, it’s One Blogger’s Journalistic Recounting of living in America. It’s a darn Shame that when you tell People the truth, you don’t know how they are going to react. So to my Followers if you really want to Know who I am you need to read my Book when it becomes available. After writing this I asked my Wife? How’s that for an Infomercial? She said I was only telling it like it is. She was Born in South Carolina, Twenty Miles from Sumter where the Civil War started. A War to keep Slavery intact. She went to a Blacks only School and couldn’t drink from a white only Water fountain if she was Dying of Thirst. She has not read my Book, the memories are still Haunting.

Nicolas Cruz
Killed 17 fellow Students

Life, Parenting And Relationships

Foxy Roxie

Jonbene’t Ramsey was killed in the year 1996. Whoever would want to snuff out this little Princesses Life is an absolute Monster. However there have been many of speculations about her being thrown into a womanly character at Six years old, and that she could have attracted the wrong kind of Admirer. Dressing a Child like a Vixen is just totally wrong. Anyway that is the Motivation for this Blog, being bred to be a Temptress. Women who encourage their little Girls to be overly Seductive as early as twelve years old. My Wife have always Maintained that men are Dogs. In One of my earlier Blogs I wrote One Titled Prudence, when  I worked at the Resort on St Pete Beach. One Day walking down the Road I noticed a Girl Twelve or Thirteen walking with her Mother, her Father and her younger Brother. What struck me about this Family was that the Girl was crying and her Hands covering her Naked Top. Even though we were only One Block from the Beach, its not a topless Beach.

What struck me about the Child was that she had Modesty. Same Place and Time I noticed two Fifteen years old in the Kiddie Pool just about doing it. I Observed their Techniques and know that they were Frisky Reguarly. Yet another Reason for this Blog, overly Seductive, overly Sexy and overly Amorous. Another thing I also think about is one of my Childhood Friends Becoming a Father at Seventeen, and a Fifteen years old Girl pulling a Train on five young Boys, me being Twelve years old, being introduced to Sex. And so they grow up wild and Loose. Two years ago in Tampa a Fifteen years old Girl was Raped and Killed, her Body dumped in the Woods Like Trash. Story told she was always a Runaway who spent the Weekends with Boys or Men. If you put yourself in the line of fire, you will catch stray Bullets, better yet stray Dogs.

So now we go back to priming young Girls to be Seductive. They grow up and takes it to the Workplace. Their Attire leaves nothing for the Imagination. Today in the Courthouse a Plus Size Woman bent over at the Counter to pay her Fines. Her Pantyline smiled at me. Yet if we were in a work Environment,  being a Married Man, If I leered at her Curvatures, I would be an O.D.B.( Old Dirty Bastard) If I was her Boss and I stared to long it would be Sexual Harassment. When she stood up straight her Boobs were popping out of the Excessively tight Dress. In my Mind , She has been Twerking since Twelve.

Put her in a Business Suit Two Sizes too small with a Skirt Eight inches above the Knee and the Natives become restless. I have been Married since working at Solomon Brothers 1980. I have had Managing Director’s Mistress throw themselves at me. Women who were set-up in a Five Thousand Dollars a Month Apartment. They were College Educated, but chose to use their Wares, instead of their Minds. Then there were the ones who used their Minds and got nowhere. They ran the Back office skillfully, while their Boss got The Credits and the Rewards. 1980 there were no Female Managing Directors on Wall St.The Only thing that kept me straight was having a Wife who I knew would throw me out on the Street, with no Shoes on my Feet, also being fired from Solomon.

Love is Grand

Workplace Romances were only tolerated with Managing Directors. Among the Ranks, you are Fired. Being Married for Forty One years, if you called me a Girlwatcher, I wouldn’t be Offended. That’s how you stay Married for Forty One years. You look but don’t touch you look but don’t Leer or Drool. You keep your Comments to yourself. You think about the Consequences of a Divorce for a Moment’s Pleasure. All this falls under the Heading of Intellectual Intelligence .

Having Empathy for other People’s feelings and being Jurisprudence with your Emotions and Behavior. Being able to hold your Tongue and Thoughts, whether mad or glad happy. Intellectual Intelligence separates us from the Stray Cats and Dogs in the Alley. I love Mario Cuomo, I remember his Sons growing up and getting into the News for their Indiscretions. Now they are all grown up. As my Mother always said ” You’ve made your Bed, now lay in it. After all that I have said coming up to this point, I hope some young Man comes away with what I am not saying. Like Phil said ” Shut your Mouth, keep your Hands on the Wheel”, while the Female Artist cooed ” I like a Man with slow Hands”. Even better yet ” Don’t hand me no lines and keep your Hands to yourself” Well there you have it I have said my Peace, as Subtlety as possible. You can’t have a Show with no Audience and you can’t go touching the Tomatoes without buying, Oui La La La.