America, Life

Courage to be Different

Ever since I was fifteen I was always drawn to People with Convictions, people who was not afraid to be Different no matter the outcome Joe Medler is such a Person and has won my Respect. This Blog was written four years ago I dug it up going through the Directories of one of my old discarded Phones. I had lost contact with Joe but now I am one of his most Devoted Followers. To those of you who don’t like my Controversial Style, remember it takes Courage to Grow.


To Exercise Virtue

‘Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without it you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.’ -Maya Angelou

I’m thinking a lot about this quote and the idea it contains today.

Last night we elected a man to lead our country who I find to be dangerous. And I’m a white, middle class male. I can’t imagine the fear that my darker skinned brothers and sisters are feeling right now. I identify with them and I agree with them and I vote with them, but I am disciplined in acknowledging always that I am not in their shoes. I cannot have their perspective, even if I empathize with it. I am not the father of little girls nor am I a woman. I’m a native English speaking American and don’t have to fear being rounded up. I advocate for the disabled, both professionally and personally and I’m not them, watching a man openly mock an actual person with a disability, bullying him while doing his job from the podium with flags flying and crowds cheering and guffawing. I’m an advocate, but I’m protected.

I’m from the disaffected, largely white area of the country that would appear to have given the Presidency to Donald Trump. I know that the people that voted for him see something other than a dangerous, white supremacist, misogynistic monster. From my angle I’m afraid that that thing they saw allowed them to think they were supporting someone of virtue. Someone who would prioritize them without hurting others. I fear that they similarly can’t see what this feels like to fellow, hard working Americans with skin darker than theirs. Or the hard working immigrant families who’ve sacrificed whole lives, whole histories and all social standing to come to the place where hope lived only to find it lead by a man threatening to deport, insisting on building a wall and enthusiastically able to belittle and dismiss the sacrifice of families who’ve lost loved ones in defense of our highest ideals.

I don’t have any idea what I can do but stand up and try to find a sliver of light in the dark where I can try to send love through. It’s hard to listen when you are afraid. I am afraid. But it’s incredibly important to listen. I will try. I’m pretty sure I’ll fail a lot of the time, but i will keep trying.

What I do see is there is a lot of anger. There is a lot of fear. The air has been thick with it for years. My instincts in this moment are awful. I want to scream. I want to yell and lash out and blanket the land in judgment. It would feel good to do that. The fights that would ensue would make me feel like I was doing something. But I’d be working against the solutions we need. The fact is that this is a time that demands virtue. You can’t defeat the dark without light. You can’t address fear with fear. Anger will not go away with louder anger.

Patience. Love. Understanding. Compassion. Empathy.

These are the virtues we are lacking. There are real world problems that require real world answers. Yes. But if we can’t hear each other, if we can’t understand and empathize with the real fears than we can’t even begin the difficult conversations we need to have. We can’t ever learn to understand why something so confounding, how something so terrifying ever could have happened. I’m scared, I truly am. For me to overcome it’s going to take courage. It’s going to take courage to be patient. To listen. To try to reseed humanity, whatever tiny little portion of it I can effect with love.

There’s work to do. We must shine light into darkness. We must stay curious. We must seek out hate and counter it with love. We must find fear and meet it with empathy. We must meet anger head on and do whatever we can to show people compassion and love.

We must have courage and exercise our virtues. This is a time for our better angels to reveal themselves.

Author: joejmedler

Joe Medler lives in New Jersey with his wife, who is universally understood to be far too good for him, and his two young sons, who are far too smart for him. His work has been featured on MamaLode, The Original Bunker Punks and Sammiches and Psych Meds. You can find more of his work at and follow him on Facebook at

One thought on “To Exercise Virtue”

  1. The article is very riveting and revealing.
    I Blog about parenting and relationships, so it would be inappropriate to interject Racism. I do have a Blog written on the subject. I will forward it to you at a later date. However I do envision a lot of civil unrest down the road and pray they don’t escalate. With no mention of relevance I a Black.

    Liked by 1 person

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Welcome to my life, a while ago I had the notion of developing a website about safe Driving. When my website Designer got back to me with a name that he suggested,  without knowing my plans for the site, it knocked me for a loop. That’s how was born. The Website was lost because of faulty Domain Registration. The name of the website sent me scrambling to the Dashboard to produce ten Blogs in five days to meet the deadline for the website to be launched. Can you imagine posting Blogs about safe Driving with a name like that. I did some soul searching and came up with the format of Parenting, Relationships and life. The three topics surrounding my own life, before I wrote my first post I did a little research on what makes good Blogs. I was told that the number one sin, was writing blogs about yourself. Nonetheless I proceeded to write about my experiences in life. Why shouldn’t I, the Life that I have lived is an Extraordinary one, I have met some Extraordinary People such as John Gutfreund ( the King of Wall Street). I met another Man in Texas who was worth five Hundred Million Dollars and as unpretentious as a Priest. I have also met Ordinary People such as Hugo Selenski, who was Convicted of Killing four or more People, Burned and Buried them in his Backyard. Hugo and I would sit and talk about Horses for Hours, woke up one Morning and he was on the News.




 One hundred and fifty blogs later the site was blessed with half a million visitors, one million visits and five thousand comments all positive one critical calling me an attention grabber. The objective of the website was to enrich other people’s lives with the positive side of life that I have experienced,  and to lead others away from the negative side of life. Three Websites later you have doing it all by myself is tedious work, Our fundamental Thoughts are fortified with Age and Experience= Lifehack I love criticism it inspires change for the good. I Do not feed into Negativity, I totally believe one can Shed their Skin, the Bible says so. 


On the Positive side, in my old Hometown of North East Pennsylvania where Racial divide is as wide as The Susquehanna River Banks, a young Black Kid riding his mediocre Bicycle noticed his nine years old, neighbor who happens to be White being Abducted. As any good neighbors and good Citizens should act, he chased the abductor’s car. With wings of Angels he rode his Bicycle following the car for miles with such Tenacity the Car was apprehended and the Abductor Arrested. The poor child knew that she was in danger, she kissed embraced and thanked her Rescuer. I am a watcher of Life and people, I see monumental Gains in small Deeds. I am quite sure that a bond was made for Life. These are messages that tells me when my Faith is shaken, that it can’t be Broken.


 So there you have it I can write about anything in my Life and you will find it interesting, you may not agree but you will see the merits in what I write. I wasted my youth, I grew up in the seventies where Sex, Drugs and 🎸 Rock and Roll was the driving force. The Artists of the fifties, Sixties Seventies and beyond will never know the Damage done by using their Lyrics to promote Deviant Lifestyles. For instance a Song by Taj Mahal Nobody’s Business But My Own. The Lyrics goes “ Cocaine don’t make me crazy, Reefer don’t make me Lazy, you can drink all the Liquor in Costa Rica. Look at the Characters that Cheech and Chong portrayed. I still can’t believe that I survived my Turbulent Teens.  The only good thing that came out of my High School experience was adding English Literature to my Curriculum. 


The People I Partied with called me Lame for sitting in a Classroom discussing Shakespeare, and Tolstoy (“ Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but essential for right thinking”)  Even though I never went on to Higher Learning I never stopped enriching my Mind, I made it my Job to learn something new everyday. So here I am Semi Retired living out my Life with a Bang in Paradise, writing Blogs to Read to my fellow Residents in the Nursing Home, when I get there. And so to you who are on the way, I cannot Emphasize with stronger Force “ Make Hay while the 🌞 Shines”. The Portal for living is brief and Elusive.


P.S. accentuate the Positive

Eliminate the Negative that’s the story of Love.


Being a free thinker allow us to make objective choices and decision in our lives.


And being able to exercise them


Click on Link for the Hugo Selenski Srory