Paradise / Travel

Travelling and experiencing Life is something all should do before they Die. Life is too short and unpredictable for you not to. Your vacations are something that should be planned just like any of your life’s itinerary. As the saying goes traveling broadens your Horizons, remember all work and no play will burn you out. Tom Petty puts it well, into the great wide open, under Skies are blue. Other than that to live your entire life at the Grindstone takes from true living. I wrote in earlier Blogs about people who amassed great fortunes and died in neglected conditions and were too busy making money to live. I also mentioned a man owning a million Dollars Mansion and hardly spent any time there always out making money to pay the Mortgage.

Once again missing the point of living Life to its fullest. Quality Time is as important as eating or sleeping. When I lived in N.Y my Wife and I would break away as many Weekends as possible to the Poccono 150 miles away not cross Atlantic , but that was our routine for a long time, and for a long time our Honeymoon stayed fresh. Also after a long week of working breaking away rejuvinates you to go back to work Monday, able to deal with all they throw at you. When you don’t take timeouts sometimes you snap from steadily performing day in day out. I probably could have written this Blog at 16 my Mother was a great Teacher of living she worked hard and lived well. She would return from a Cruise and tell you stories of elegant Living and Dining with the Captain. That is what living is , you work hard and reward yourself.


Stories told that the only difference between a Poor Man and a Rich Man is the rich man will put on his best Suit and eat his best Meal on his way to his Execution, moral, live well everyday. Four years ago I moved from the perfect Spring and Fall nights of North Pennsylvania for the sometimes sweltering nights of Paradise, belittled by the Gulf of Mexico, a body of Water to behold. Sometimes I would gaze across and realized how Fragile it all is. There are millions of Volume written about it. My attraction is spelled out in my Blog Chasing Moby. Four years later I wish I had moved here forty years ago. Taking advantage of the Ocean’s soothing powers and the abundance of Nature and Wildlife says that I intend to live out my life with a Bang in Paradise. That is why I have chosen to start Blogging about Paradise and giving Travel Tips.

Travel Stories

St Pete Beach in April

A bunch of years ago my husband and I were traveling through India. It was late May so it was stinking hot and the first thing we did as soon as we hit a hotel was to take a shower to wash the sweat and dirt of the day away.

We arrived at this one hotel and I won the toss for first shower so I stripped off and got under the water while my husband went to explore.

I was luxuriating in the feeling of getting clean when I heard someone pounding on the room door. “I’m in the shower!”, I shouted. The pounding continued. “I’m in the shower!”, I shouted again, thinking, What the hell – who ever it is can surely hear the water running, so why don’t they go away. The pounding continued. Now I was pissed. I turned the water off and shouted for a third time, “I’m in the shower!” but no matter, the pounding continued.

“Fine,” I thought. Right. I walked to the room door, threw open the door and said, “I was having a shower. What the hell do you want?”

The young Indian guy at the door, a hotel employee, stood frozen with his mouth hanging open. “What?”, I said. The look of panic on his face told me that being confronted by an angry, soaking wet naked lady, obviously hadn’t been covered in the Hotel Employee’s Manual.

“Whatever,” I said, and slammed the door in his face. When my husband finally returned we had a good laugh at the thought of the hotel guy and the story he was probably telling down in the kitchen.