
Ambition, America, Autobiography, Bio, Black History, Christmas, Dr King, Empathy, featured, Helpful Conversations, Inclusion, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion, Self help, You can face life

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Book overview

“In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption” is an extraordinary tale that delves deep into the realms of human emotions, exploring the eternal struggle between love and hate. Set in a world consumed by hatred and darkness, this poignant story follows the transformative journey of one man as he navigates through the tumultuous landscapes of prejudice and discrimination, ultimately discovering the redemptive power of love. In this gripping narrative, the author skillfully weaves a tapestry of raw emotions, unveiling the destructive consequences of hatred and the transformative potential of love. The book illuminates the profound need for love, understanding, empathy, and inclusion through vivid and evocative storytelling in our fractured society. At its core, “In the Shadows of Hate ” is a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, encouraging readers to see life through the eyes of others. It challenges the reader to suspend judgment, look beyond appearances and stereotypes, and embrace diverse experiences’ complexity and richness. The story is a poignant reminder that understanding and compassion can only be achieved by walking a mile in another person’s shoes. With each chapter, the author draws readers deeper into the protagonist’s world, painting a vivid portrait of his internal struggles as he confronts the relentless hate that threatens to engulf him. As the story unfolds, readers witness the power of love as it gradually erodes the barriers of prejudice and bigotry, illuminating a path toward healing and reconciliation. Through compelling characters and gripping plot twists, the author exposes the devastating impact of hate on individuals and communities, leaving no room for complacency or indifference. In the face of adversity, the protagonist’s journey becomes a beacon of hope, demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for love to conquer even the darkest corners of our world. “In the Shadows of Hate: A Journey of Love and Redemption” is a profound and profoundly moving exploration of the human capacity for both good and evil. It challenges readers to examine their beliefs and biases, encouraging introspection and fostering greater empathy and understanding. This book offers a compelling testament by spotlighting the universal need for love and its transformative power.”
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Through Her Eyes: Revised
In the shadows of hate a journey of love and Redemption

America, Motivation

A Generation Of Idiots

A Generation of Idiots

Albert Einstein believed that One Day there would be a Generation of Idiots. He attested that it would be the doing of Technology. Technology have given us access to Information, which has been vastly misused. To mention a few, Internet Scams and Political Divisiveness. Over and again I have Ascertained the need for Logic and the use of Gray Matters. Being able to Sift through Information is truly a Gift. My Grandmother puts it best, she said that not being able to Seifer ( figure things out ) makes you an Idiot. In other words not being able to sort out what you have been told, makes you a Sponge for Misinformation. At Six years Old I was my Grandmother’s little helper in her Bakery. She started Schooling me early in the Art of Figurative Thinking.

She would tell me Stories from the Bible, I would perplex that poor Woman with an Abundance of  questions. Who, what, where, when, how come, I can still see the Looks in her Eyes when I asked her who wrote the Bible. Being Inquisitive have been a part of me my entire Life. Growing up in the Seventies there were many Conspiracy Theories, it was Conspiracy Theories that put Jesus on the Cross. So you see they are not New. It is People who are incapable of Sifting through things that gives them Credibility. Or those with Eyes that can’t see. On the other hand there are those who knows better but chose to be Ignorant. Like the Members of Congress who clings to the Mendacities. They claim that the Insurrection was a peaceable Protest and that the Election was stolen. The Election was scrutinized under a Microscope by the Department of Justice, the F.B.I by the Supreme Court and Fifty other Federal Courts. For someone to cling on to the notion that the Election was rigged is Absolutely Insane.

Here are Transcripts from AOL News

Half of Republicans believe false accounts of deadly U.S. Capitol riot: Reuters/Ipsos poll

AOL.COM 11 hrs ago

By James Oliphant and Chris Kahn

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Since the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies have pushed false and misleading accounts to downplay the event that left five dead and scores of others wounded. His supporters appear to have listened.

  Three months after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol to try to overturn his November election loss, about half of Republicans believe the siege was largely a non-violent protest or was the handiwork of left-wing activists “trying to make Trump look bad,” a new Reuters/Ipsos poll has found.

  Six in 10 Republicans also believe the false claim put out by Trump that November’s presidential election “was stolen” from him due to widespread voter fraud, and the same proportion of Republicans think he should run again in 2024, the March 30-31 poll showed.

  Since the Capitol attack, Trump, many of his allies within the Republican Party and right-wing media personalities have publicly painted a picture of the day’s events jarringly at odds with reality.

  Hundreds of Trump’s supporters, mobilized by the former president’s false claims of a stolen election, climbed walls of the Capitol building and smashed windows to gain entry while lawmakers were inside voting to certify President Joe Biden’s election victory. The rioters – many of them sporting Trump campaign gear and waving flags – also included known white supremacist groups such as the Proud Boys.

  In a recent interview with Fox News, Trump said the rioters posed “zero threat.” Other prominent Republicans, such as Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, have publicly doubted whether Trump supporters were behind the riot.

  Last month, 12 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against a resolution honoring Capitol Police officers who defended the grounds during the rampage, with one lawmaker saying that he objected using the word “insurrection” to describe the incident.

  The Reuters/Ipsos poll shows a large number of rank-and-file Republicans have embraced the myth. While 59% of all Americans say Trump bears some responsibility for the attack, only three in 10 Republicans agree. Eight in 10 Democrats and six in 10 independents reject the false claims that the Capitol siege was “mostly peaceful” or it was staged by left-wing protestors.

  “Republicans have their own version of reality,” said John Geer, an expert on public opinion at Vanderbilt University. “It is a huge problem. Democracy requires accountability and accountability requires evidence.”

  The refusal of Trump and prominent Republicans to repudiate the events of Jan. 6 increases the likelihood of a similar incident happening again, said Susan Corke, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

  “That is the biggest danger – normalizing this behavior,” Corke said. “I do think we are going to see more violence.”

  In a fresh reminder of the security threats the U.S. Capitol faces since Jan. 6, a motorist rammed a car into U.S. Capitol police on Friday and brandished a knife, killing one officer and injuring another and forcing the Capitol complex to lock down. Officers shot and killed the suspect.

  Allie Carroll, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, said its members condemned the Capitol attack and referred to a Jan. 13 statement from Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. “Violence has no place in our politics … Those who partook in the assault on our nation’s Capitol and those who continue to threaten violence should be found, held accountable, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” McDaniel said.

  A representative for Trump did not respond to requests for comment.


  The disinformation campaign aimed at downplaying the insurrection and Trump’s role in it reflects a growing consensus within the Republican Party that its fortunes remain tethered to Trump and his devoted base, political observers say.

  According to the new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump remains the most popular figure within the party, with eight in 10 Republicans continuing to hold a favorable impression of him.

  “Congressional Republicans have assessed they need to max out the Trump vote to win,” said Tim Miller, a former spokesman for Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush. “That that is the path back to the majority.”

  Republicans in Congress show few signs of breaking with Trump. Right after the deadly Capitol siege, 147 Republican lawmakers voted against certifying Biden’s election win. The Democratic-led House of Representatives impeached Trump for “inciting an insurrection”, making him the only U.S. president to be impeached twice, but most Senate Republicans acquitted him of the charge in a trial.

  Last week, Republican congressman Jim Banks of Indiana said the party must cater to the working-class voters that comprise Trump’s political base ahead of next year’s critical midterm elections that will dictate control of Congress.

  “Members who want to swap out working-class voters because they resent President Trump’s impact… are wrong,” Banks wrote in a memo to Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy, contents of which he posted on Twitter.

  Banks was one of the 147 lawmakers who voted to block certification of Biden’s win, and he later voted against impeaching Trump. Banks did not respond to requests for comment.

  Some mainstream Republicans contend that after Republicans lost both the White House and control of both chambers of Congress on Trump’s watch, the party must move on from the former president in order to attract suburban, moderate and independent voters.

  I rest my Case, a Generation of Idiots, totally incapable of Sorting things out for themselves. Without having a figurative mind, you are like Archie would say ” A Meathead”.

Ambition, America, Autobiography, Bio, Black History, Dr King, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, featured, Life, Motivation, Parenting And Relationships, Religion, Self help, You can face life

Look at this… 👀

Must watch

A Dancing Fool

Look at this… 👀

After publishing my first Book I learned that the most pivotal responsibility for your Book Marketing was yours. Hence I am drawn into Social media Marketing. Creating and collecting Videos, of which there are many Downloads. Creating Direct Traffic. Where else would I get to tell People that with Continuous Advertising, you can sell Books. As a sponsored product on Amazon,I get a lot of Impressions, on my website I get 74 percent of the people that visit my website stays and read something. Like the saying goes “I’m loving it. When I started Blogging I never thought that I would have written or Posted 598 Posts.

Ambition, Life

Children with big Ears and Potty Mouth

Martin Luther King Jr MLK Love Famous Motivational Inspirational Quote Cool Wall Decor Art Print Poster 24×36

Children with big Ears and Potty Mouth Author: Anthony Dixon Book Description: In “Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth,” discover an engaging and insightful journey into the minds and behaviors of children who listen closely to the world around them. This book dives deep into how kids absorb and mimic the words and actions of adults, often leading to unexpected and humorous outcomes. Through a series of compelling chapters, it explores the impact of grown-up conversations on young minds and offers practical advice for fostering positive communication and behavior. With themes of self-improvement, leadership, and resilience, this book encourages young readers to become their own superheroes. It emphasizes the importance of kindness, good manners, and the beauty in being thoughtful and considerate. Through relatable stories and powerful messages, children learn the value of being polished like a diamond, striving to be leaders rather than followers, and dealing with challenges in a healthy and responsible manner. “Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth” is not just a book for kids but also a valuable resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers. It provides tools and strategies to help guide children towards becoming well-mannered, confident, and world-class citizens. Perfect for families, classrooms, and anyone invested in the positive growth and development of young minds, this book is a must-read for nurturing the best in every child.

Life is Grand

Title: Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth


In “Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth,” discover an engaging and insightful journey into the minds and behaviors of children who listen closely to the world around them. This book dives deep into how kids absorb and mimic the words and actions of adults, often leading to unexpected and humorous outcomes. Through a series of compelling chapters, it explores the impact of grown-up conversations on young minds and offers practical advice for fostering positive communication and behavior.

With themes of self-improvement, leadership, and resilience, this book encourages young readers to become their own superheroes. It emphasizes the importance of kindness, good manners, and the beauty in being thoughtful and considerate. Through relatable stories and powerful messages, children learn the value of being polished like a diamond, striving to be leaders rather than followers, and dealing with challenges in a healthy and responsible manner.

“Children with Big Ears and Potty Mouth” is not just a book for kids but also a valuable resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers. It provides tools and strategies to help guide children towards becoming well-mannered, confident, and world-class citizens. Perfect for families, classrooms, and anyone invested in the positive growth and development of young minds, this book is a must-read for nurturing the best in every child. For a limited time, free Download on Amazon Kindle.