Life, Motivation

It doesn’t matter

It doesn’t matter

When I worked in Construction we had a saying about dealing with the hard work. ” It’s all mind over Matter, If you’ve got no mind, it don’t matter. That my friend is the Motivation for this Blog, having a mind of your own and not following the mass. When I was fourteen years old, while doing the Laundry Mother found a big Bag of Marijuana in my pocket. Being the most Diplomatic person, she said nothing of her find for Days. Then one day she asked me how do I want to live my life. ” Do you want to be a Shepherd or a Sheep?” She continued, I found your Weed and I flushed it down the toilet. Is this what you want to do? I snapped, everybody smoke Weed, which was true in the sixties. Knowing that I was in the wrong, I kept quiet and listened to the rest of the chastising. She continued, ” If everyone jumped off the George Washington Bridge, are you going to jump also. That was my first Lesson about Individuality. Being your own Man. Mother was a hard working single Mom. She was a progressive Blue Collar worker, she worked in a Professional Kitchen before many women, when the Industry was Male dominated. Seventy years before Julia Child and Pioneer Woman.

Years earlier we were Dirt Poor, because of her Health she could not maintain a job. There was a time when my Brother and I had two sets of Clothing, one on our backs, the other in the wash. That’s how she kept us looking pristine in Parochial School. Everyone thought we came from a well to do Family. If there was a hole in our Khaki pants, she would patch the hole and they would become clothes to play in. Back in the day, Clarence Carter had a song called Patches, the Song was about growing up Dirt Poor. As a result of being so Damned poor in earlier years. Three months from my fifteenth Birthday, I got my first job, packing Groceries for Associated Supermarket. From there on I was never out of work, Poverty scares me. I worked all through High School and brought Money home to support the Household. Everyone in the School thought that I was a Drug Dealer because of the way I Dressed. Since H.S. Fashion has been a big part of my Persona.

Sometimes I think that the years of not having Clothes is the reason. The only Books other than Textbooks I read was G.Q. and anything dealing with Fashion and Social Grooming. I was so fashionable inclined, my Graduation Gift to the Class was a Fashion Show that Orchestrated. I staged it and Modeled some Clothes that I Designed and fabricated. My gift with a Needle and Thread came from my mother and my Cousin who she helped in training her to be a great Seamstress and Designer who made Clothes for Jackie O. and other famous people.

The Fashion Show was a Smash, we invited Smokie Robinson and he showed up and performed on our Stage. That Shindig was the biggest party that I ever threw in my entire life. Many of the people in the Show went on to study at the Fashion Institute Technology, So I ask you? Is there anyone else who is more capable of being Critical of Today’s Fashion? Wearing your Pants showing your Ass-Crack, Holes in your Jeans and Leggings showing all your goodies is Lame. Some Dumb-ass Fashion Designer who Went to The Fashion Institute who have never been Poor decides to make fun of Poverty with tattered Jeans and the world of Sheep makes him Rich. Wearing Clothes with Holes in them, is making fun of Poverty. Wearing your Pants below your Ass crack is a Fashion that was Started in Prisons by Cellblock Whores, advertising their availability. Leggings is supposed to be an understatement. Once again, it’s all Mind over Matter, If you’ve got no Mind, it don’t matter. Be a Shepherd, not a Sheep. I can not end this Blog without addressing another disgusting trend, putting your kids in the same Shopping Cart where I put my Food is nasty. Sanitary practices are more important than lame Fashion trends. I have not posted in a long time, I have been busy with restructuring my Book and relocating to South Carolina. Those who follow my Blogs knows that I like to speak my mind and keep it short and sweet, Fin.

We are not looking for Tuna that taste good, we are looking for Fashion with good taste.

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